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Statins then

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Anyone else on these then? Always an issue with side effects, but hey do have their advantages :whistling:



Been on and off simvistatin for years never had any side effects at all although i do know people who have had side effects such as diarreah,stomach pain...even loss of memory !...ive never had more than 20 mgm dose though.......only ever been on them myself due to some strange eating habits but best really to sort your diet out and f**k the statins off for good

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Simvastatin 40g a day for me Martin :rolleyes: and I know what you're sayin gnasher and this is very true of a healthy diet, but I have to take them even though I eat a healthy diet. The memory loss I'd say ia a real threat, thankfully though, I don't get any other unwanted shite.


After previously worked within the NHS and knowing full well what pumpin chemicals into your body will do I vowed I'd never touch any meds, but we never know what is around the corner, so when confronted with my family/life controlled by meds or a very short life on my own, well the choice was easy :thumbs:

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been on atrovastatin for over a year now ... had a routine check up and discovered my cholestarol was 8.7 ... i argued the fact with the doc as i take regular exercise and eat a healthy diet ... after further investigation is was discovered that i have the hereditory type of bad cholestarol ... so thanks mam and dad LOL .... my has the same type and her cholestarol was 12.5 :icon_eek: ..............

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Anyone else on these then? Always an issue with side effects, but hey do have their advantages :whistling:
Excuse my ignorance but wat are they for i know i am avin some strange affter efects with the tablets for me back and the missis keeps pestering me to go back on the fluxitien.atvb
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My little sister is on them at the moe, doing a medical research thing to see if they help with her M.S, and she is struggling with the side affects :-(

which at least means she isnt getting the placebo.

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Anyone else on these then? Always an issue with side effects, but hey do have their advantages :whistling:
Excuse my ignorance but wat are they for i know i am avin some strange affter efects with the tablets for me back and the missis keeps pestering me to go back on the fluxitien.atvb



They're for controlling cholesterol which is a problem if you have any heart or blood pressure disorders :thumbs:

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been on atrovastatin for over a year now ... had a routine check up and discovered my cholestarol was 8.7 ... i argued the fact with the doc as i take regular exercise and eat a healthy diet ... after further investigation is was discovered that i have the hereditory type of bad cholestarol ... so thanks mam and dad LOL .... my has the same type and her cholestarol was 12.5 :icon_eek: ..............



Jeeeez Socks!!!! 12.5 :icon_eek: , bit of an eye opener when it's a family history thing :thumbs:

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Anyone else on these then? Always an issue with side effects, but hey do have their advantages :whistling:
Excuse my ignorance but wat are they for i know i am avin some strange affter efects with the tablets for me back and the missis keeps pestering me to go back on the fluxitien.atvb



They're for controlling cholesterol which is a problem if you have any heart or blood pressure disorders :thumbs:

cheers All i do suffer with blood presure but never took owt for it thank god for my dogs a good walk out with them and i feel a lot better.atvb
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On simvastatin, as a percaution due to me being type 1 diabetic for the last 7.5 years!


no side effects at all


Obviously also on insulin (two types) and a blood pressure tablet......also advised to take a low dose aspirin daily by the Gp!

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My brother was on statins for a few years aswel as a few other tablets but for some reason decided not to stop taking them all. He died last year at the age of 57 from a heart attack while in his sleep :(. while he stayed on the staitins he had it all under control but quite litteraly took him own life in his own hands, the doctor told us afterwards he warned him to keep taking the dose requied but he never listened.....


sorry to put a Dampener on things men but when I saw this topic it reminded me all over again...



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My brother was on statins for a few years aswel as a few other tablets but for some reason decided not to stop taking them all. He died last year at the age of 57 from a heart attack while in his sleep :(. while he stayed on the staitins he had it all under control but quite litteraly took him own life in his own hands, the doctor told us afterwards he warned him to keep taking the dose requied but he never listened.....


sorry to put a Dampener on things men but when I saw this topic it reminded me all over again...





Sorry for your loss Jasp, no apology needed apart from maybe me, for the untimely reminder. You have however given a harsh warning to justify that most of us are on them for a very good reason.



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My brother was on statins for a few years aswel as a few other tablets but for some reason decided not to stop taking them all. He died last year at the age of 57 from a heart attack while in his sleep :(. while he stayed on the staitins he had it all under control but quite litteraly took him own life in his own hands, the doctor told us afterwards he warned him to keep taking the dose requied but he never listened.....


sorry to put a Dampener on things men but when I saw this topic it reminded me all over again...



Sorry to hear that take care.atb
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i'm on simvastatin 40mg i've been on it a while i wasnt advised of the side effects. but i have a family history of high cholesterol. also my father has died and been resucitated 3 times from high blood pressure. i have an enlarged heart and last week i had my first normal blood pressure reading in 10 years at 1 point my blood preasure was so high i was clinically dead. so if it means i will get to see if i get grandkids then i will keep at it.

as for the side efects if memory loss is 1 of them thats fecked cos i always forget everything anyway

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