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Two for me.

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Yo airgunners, had a walk around some cattle pasture this evening, was told by the land owner that rabbits were coming for a drink :blink: This I had to see, it was'nt that I disbelieved him, its just not some thing I'd heard of before, he knew I had kits to feed so gave me a bell, I have to say that this cattle drinker is in the middle of one of the flattest pastures I've ever seen, so getting set up out of the way was a bit hit and miss, because of the cattle stomping around the drinker I could'nt make out where the rabbits were coming from, so I opted for the only cover available, which was a tractor wheeling, so out with the camo netting, tied it around my neck like a camo clad superman and got laid down, untied the camo net from around my neck and flung it over my head. Is'nt it amazing how once your set up you need a p*ss. So anyway, got sorted and the wait began. The first bunnie to arrive came from nowhere, I did'nt see it come across the field to the drinker, but there it was bang on the zero I'd set, whack! first one down, the temptation run over to pick it up was unbearable, but I knew if I did, then the other bunnies would spot me grabbing it, a quick scan around to see if any other buns were coming, and stuff me, there's another licking the water feeder pipe, did'nt see that one sneak up, Whack! and family number two is in the bag, well left next to his mate anyway :D . I looked at my watch as you do, looked up, I dont believe it, another bunny having a drink. Whack! and down goes number 3, another vitamin packed lunch for the ferrets. It was about 8.30 when I started to wonder how many rabbits visit this place in any one day, and how many at night. Day dream interrupted by the appearance of yet another pipe licker, Whack! and down goes number 4, clever these rabbits I thought, did'nt see any of them hop up to the drinker, then a text msg on my phone, its the Mrs, do you want me to pick you up some beer and chill it for when you get back :D , I now know why this woman is the best one I've ever had, text sent, looking up, two pipe lickers, and you know what I'm thinking now lads eh! Can I do the double, as you know, you need the first shot to be a pearler with little or no leaping around, so I sat there waiting until the biggest bunnie got into position and was staring straight at me, Whack! and its over and luckily for me it rolled under the the trough out of the way, pressure shot now on! can I get the other one, Whack! and its on its arse having a twitch, to say I was chuffed would be an understatement, with six in the bag I decided to pack up, but the burning question was, with so many rabbits using this drinker, why was there no signs, so I had a wonder around, then it hit me, seven holes under the trough gave the game away, the rabbits were living under the trough, so you live and learn eh!


Happy hunting.




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hi stealthy

nice shooting buddy, and enjoyed the read & pic.dont know about the text and cooling the beer, i hope your txt reply went

" no its ok love i would rather stay! in the field! than have a few beer's!!!" :tongue2:

was out again today and charlie and i done well, will post it sunday

deadly as ever stealthy






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hi stealthy

nice shooting buddy, and enjoyed the read & pic.dont know about the text and cooling the beer, i hope your txt reply went

" no its ok love i would rather stay! in the field! than have a few beer's!!!" :tongue2:

was out again today and charlie and i done well, will post it sunday

deadly as ever stealthy







If I text that to the Mrs she'd send an ambulance to pick me up, then drip feed me larger :laugh:

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then a text msg on my phone, its the Mrs, do you want me to pick you up some beer and chill it for when you get back :D , I now know why this woman is the best one I've ever had,

Happy hunting.




Fantastic read my friend :notworthy: Fantastic shooting.


Now If only I had a woman like that, I'd be laughing B)


Sounds like your own little Paradise :)



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