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Working a ferret

Guest Erin go bragh

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Guest Erin go bragh

Right lads is there anything i can do with my kits that will make them good working ferrets when there older anything that i can teach them or do from there young ?

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Guest Frank

Theirs not a lot to teach them really, they learn them selfs, it comes natrually to them.

If you have a big place for them to run around in securley, then stick in a few plastic pipes, for them to run threw, to get them searching. They love to play with these aswell.


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Guest Erin go bragh

Aye i had them in the soil tonight lol they where diggin then putting there head in it and running it was funny then they started diggin a plant up then my ma was crackin up so i just let them run about the lawn they loves that also

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the most important thing is getting them very tame and used to being picked up in different situations, used to your feet, etc...


playing in pipes is good, (well it doesn't hurt) and if you can cover the end of the pipe with a net (to get them used to nets and walking through the meshes rather than pulling the net down) all the better


then when it is time to hunt rabbits with them, try with a small warren, net up and enter them on a nice easy hole that slopes upwards gently (dont drop them down a vertical hole on the first few times out ;) ) allow them time to explore and work things out, dont expect to catch any rabbits , as they gain in confidence and realise that there are bunnies in the dark tunnels they wont play as much and will go straight to work,


this takes a few gentle outings and you should have perfect working ferret, like mine :11:


good luck and let us know how you get on

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Guest ferreting king

what i done with my kits was get a long pipe with a coner at the top and get a fresh rabbit but dont skin it or anything and get fishing line and tie it around the rabbit and then put the kits one end of the pipe and drag the rabbit through the pipe and then kits should follow it and then when they are at the other end of the pipe leave the rabbit there and they will snif it for a bit and then start biting into it, dont worry if they dont do it the first time becasue they are still young but keep practising it then they learn themselves but also with you



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Guest The Big Fish

I believe that from 4 weeks old at the latest, your kits should be beggining thier sit and stay training, perhaps a touch of retreiving training too (BUT always use a light ball in the early stages as they are still small and not fully grown yet).


From the age of 8 weeks onwards i try and get mine into early parachute training too (you know ready for when you have to drop them behind enemy lines). Also at this age you can start them on advanced tooth to neck combat training too, but progress them slowly.


You might also want get them used to their flack jackets, cause if you leave it too long ive found that they dont take to them at an older age.


Hope this helps someone out :blink:

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Big Fish I have to disagree with you.


I would never introduce the flak jackets too early on in their career. I find that the extra weight is too much for them when their still young and their muscles haven't matured fully.

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Guest The Big Fish
  pointer28 said:
Only 5 Kilos ? :no:


Must be a bit soft then. :rofl:


Well some would say so B) but hey take a look at them doing their spiderman moves :laugh:





P.s on a serious note, these youngens are free to a good working home. Offer only open to members from the hunting life, smoochers and of course my little forum. Collection only, i aint a fecking taxi driver :laugh:

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