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I dont know how many of you remember the two lurchers nicked last year. One was called JESS- she was found with broken neck, busted legs, collapsed lung amounst other injuries. Well some theiving gits attempted to steal her & two other dogs today. They were involved in accident- Jess has escaped & is running scared again.

This dog still has injuries that were caused by the theives last time- PLEASE if you see her or find her let us know. She is chipped but still on meds.





from holmes chapel to congleton,where the men panicked and crashed into an oncoming vehicle. Jess is said to have ran away from the scene,police and family members are now searching for Jess

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JESS IS OK- Thank god- this dog took a proper beating the last time she was stolen- her story is on facebook. She purposed had injuries done the last time- so much that her owner didnt know if she'd ever walk again.


She still has break & damage to her neck but despite it all she has a decent life.


The house was burgled the theives from what Ive read nicked cars & crashed it. They ran off- 3 dogs escaped- two were captured on site of accident but Jess ran away.


The theives- one at least is expected to need a hospital visit- but if you meet up with a low life with broken nose & cuts to his face- PLEASE LET POLICE KNOW

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