rabbit mad mic 0 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 valid points there guys about using proper ferret food, will look into it thanks Quote Link to post
Kay 3,709 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 Well i have just had to relent and buy some dry food Alpha ferret feast i paid 12.29 for a 10 kilo bag , i am sick of the flies i put meat in for the kits at 12.15 am & i went back out at 1am & the flies were buzzing round the dish even at that time , so untill the weather cools down a bit there on dry food Quote Link to post
lamp+battery 98 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 i feed mine 90% rabbit all year round, i do give them cat dryfood now and again when its far to hot for meat (flys), i chop the rabbits up in bits saddel,rib cage, back legs, and frount legs, and put small amounts in so it isent liein about all day, lamp Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,268 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 amswers in the name mate, CAT food, its for cats... yes but if you read the nutritional info on both fezzer and cat biscuits they are almost identicle only very slightly different it's up to you what you feed you little 'uns but remeber two things ferrets need plenty of water with biccies and at some point they need meat. ATB kie Quote Link to post
Big bald beautiful 1,231 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 just put mine back on dried food, they were on rabbits(been taking a few lately) but a yard full of flys aint my idea of fun. i mix dried with a bit of milk, then i use two water bottles during summer Quote Link to post
matty73 4 Posted July 4, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 theres fook all right with it either its not designed for them so why feed it to them when there is food specially for ferrets if your going to feed dry food, the people who did the research on the best feed for ferrets didnt do it iver a couple of years they did it over many years and scientifically tested not some backgarden breeder who after couple yrs decides they know the ferrets nutritional requirements because they still alive when i first started with ferrets people still believed in feeding milk sop with egg but that mentality has gradually given way as should the cat food but hey what do i know ive only read a few books and by the sound of it your spouting the sh*te from them books. like i said its done no harm to my ferrets what so ever, you do what ever u want with your ferrets and leave mine to me SPOUTING SHITE is that what you call cold hard facts of which much research has gone into, they believed the world was flat at one time as well until they discovered it was round but read that in a book aswell so maybe thats shite.its called progress we have started to dispel the old mythes and practices of old that some how get passed off as knowledge. how many ferrets have you owned and have you tried any other feeding regimes in your vast experience with ferrets what sort of question is that when you know exactly how many ferrets ive had, exactly how many ive got, how long ive had them for and exactly how the work or and incase youve forgotton all your ferrets are bred from mine like ive already said you do what you want with yours and my ferrets are non of your business your dam right i know ive watched you grow up you have had none, your dad on the other hand has had a few and yes i did get 2 jills off your dad bout 5yrs ago and what your dad does with his ferrets is his buisness i agree but if i give a ferret that i have bred to someone i think i have the right to make sure its looked after how i expect it to be. im 36 your 21 which means i was 15 when you were born so basically ive been hunting with ferrets and dogs before you were an glint in your dads eye and i still consider myself to be learning and probably still learning in another 20 yrs you apparrently already know it all congratulations your a better man than me who works the ferrets of my dads, i guess they dont count as been mine and dont start about how youve been hunting before i was a glint in me dads eye to tell you the truth i cant even be arsed to reply to you, washing me hands of you yes thats right before you were born and you know it but you seem to keep forgetting, werent always my dogs and ferrets i admit but you know whos they were without me having to mention names on here.you lucky if you hunt with ferrets once a week and thats a fact and as for you washing your hands of me dont ever darken my doorstep again you ungrateful little. i give you a dog when your dad said you couldnt have one let you keep it at mine basically looked after it you couldnt even be arsed to take it out most time had to keep at you to take it out which is why i asked you one of the conditions of the kitt Quote Link to post
Brimmer 220 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 Think what people have to look at is the animal fit and well? Personally think the dried food is much of a muchness to be honest, would keep a dog ok, and a crow in a trap alive. As diets go, it's lacking but keeps animals going. Won't use it myself TBH, but children are fed less well balanced diets daily. You are what you eat at the end of the day. Quote Link to post
matty73 4 Posted July 4, 2009 Author Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 amswers in the name mate, CAT food, its for cats... yes but if you read the nutritional info on both fezzer and cat biscuits they are almost identicle only very slightly different it's up to you what you feed you little 'uns but remeber two things ferrets need plenty of water with biccies and at some point they need meat. ATB kie apart from cat food being made from vegtable protein Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,268 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 amswers in the name mate, CAT food, its for cats... yes but if you read the nutritional info on both fezzer and cat biscuits they are almost identicle only very slightly different it's up to you what you feed you little 'uns but remeber two things ferrets need plenty of water with biccies and at some point they need meat. ATB kie apart from cat food being made from vegtable protein at the mo i don't have a packet that i a check to back up that claim. do all cat bickies contain vegtable protein?? i have given my lot skinners dog bics (probably the best on the market) before now the only problem i had was that the fezzers ballooned in size and looked like sted freaks, stopped giving them to them and they were back to normal with three weeks. ATB kie Quote Link to post
moses 5 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 im starting to see where this lad gets his feeding veiws from seems like theres s few people feeding cat food around but for the life of me i cant see why cant be much cheaper surely Well lets put it this way when you can buy a 10 kilo bag of '' breeders cheap cat biscuit'' for around the 12 to 15 quid mark , compare the 7 quid for a 2 kilo bag of james wellbeloved , speaks for its self really http://www.freewebs.com/theferrethotel/ferretfood.htm this link lists most of the complete ferret foods available not wanting to make this argument/discussion any worse but if you look at this link kay you will find that the ferret foods also contain vegetable extract etc etc so why is that the vegetable extracts in james well beloved's food is any better for a ferret than whiskas for example.. i feed my ferrets on 90% raw meat but do bulk it out with cat food. Quote Link to post
jack_frost 0 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 im starting to see where this lad gets his feeding veiws from seems like theres s few people feeding cat food around but for the life of me i cant see why cant be much cheaper surely Well lets put it this way when you can buy a 10 kilo bag of '' breeders cheap cat biscuit'' for around the 12 to 15 quid mark , compare the 7 quid for a 2 kilo bag of james wellbeloved , speaks for its self really http://www.freewebs.com/theferrethotel/ferretfood.htm this link lists most of the complete ferret foods available not wanting to make this argument/discussion any worse but if you look at this link kay you will find that the ferret foods also contain vegetable extract etc etc so why is that the vegetable extracts in james well beloved's food is any better for a ferret than whiskas for example.. i feed my ferrets on 90% raw meat but do bulk it out with cat food. I do the same i feed mine on raw threw the night as i keep odd hrs anyway then remove anything left in morning to aviod flys then add some dried food for them to pick at threw the day........and i use 2 big water bottles per enclosure as it soon gose down....atb danny... Quote Link to post
para1 11 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 Must admit I use tescos dried cat bickies and find that they can't stay on them long as they get very fat and have to go back to fur & feather,young do well on it.Use tined dog food now and then they love it ,Why not try a little experiment put a bole of cat bickies and bole of dry ferret in the cage and see which has gone first.P1 Quote Link to post
dj.chapman 0 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 i buy off cuts of meat from the butchers in frozen bags, the bags are 1lb and cost me 30p each, my ferrets have this when i have no rabbits for them, i also give them wiskas complete dry, the one with the meat parcels in them, i only use this when there is nothing else to give them and it is because i have 2 cats and thats what they eat. i also give them fresh eggs off my chickens once a week as a treat. Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,268 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 i buy off cuts of meat from the butchers in frozen bags, the bags are 1lb and cost me 30p each, my ferrets have this when i have no rabbits for them, i also give them wiskas complete dry, the one with the meat parcels in them, i only use this when there is nothing else to give them and it is because i have 2 cats and thats what they eat. i also give them fresh eggs off my chickens once a week as a treat. what's the bet someone has a problem with giving eggs to the fezzers??? Quote Link to post
dj.chapman 0 Posted July 4, 2009 Report Share Posted July 4, 2009 well it is 100% protine but as a treat i think most foods are ok. i think a varied diet is best whatever you decide to feed. as people have said would you feed your kids on burgers, well my answer to that is yes but in moderation. Quote Link to post
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