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There are NO standards for lurchers, the judge picks what he likes, that is why he is there! When is some one (winners or not) going to go and thank the judge for turning, with out him or her there wouldnt be show!! We dont need to pull and tug a lutcher about to see if it is sound enough to win a show, it is what it says it is, A SHOW, nothing more nothing less, it should be a bit of fun or in some cases a lot of fun for the winners. Derek Webesters is a very good lurcher man by anyons stanards and his lurcher will prove that. Regards Warren

ov course there is u cant judge a dog just by the eye iv seen good judges that look over the dog properley and pick out the faults with the dog iv there is any.



The same way you can drive past a mechanic and he'll tell you there's all sorts wrong with your car jut from looking and listening .......... a good dogman will tell plenty from watching an animal move around the ring, especially a bloke with as many years experience around dogs as the man you're criticising.


I guess though I'm wasting my words, you didn't get your rosette and are holding a grudge, that's your business, but I'll tell you for nothing the bloke in question can and will hold his head high and his opinion will continue to be respected by many, whereas you're just coming across as a whinging twat.

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Here we go again.Dident get a wee prize to take home.So the teddy gose out of the pram.Listen mate .Now dont you go telling anyone else this.You keep it to yourself.IT,S ALL FOR FUN YOU TWAT. We all l


Don't let the messers put you off. Dogs will not be running fit this time of year so make a small allowance for that. Watch them trot up, run your hands over them and if you fancy they are in good nick then thats one to be considered.

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you,ll be ok scent, take your time,and what ever takes yer fancy, place it, after all your decision is final, ive got one coming up i never take much notice of the owners, just what id fancy in my kennels, you,ll never please everyone. you are the judge, you are the law, on the day.

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Guest warren
There are NO standards for lurchers, the judge picks what he likes, that is why he is there! When is some one (winners or not) going to go and thank the judge for turning, with out him or her there wouldnt be show!! We dont need to pull and tug a lutcher about to see if it is sound enough to win a show, it is what it says it is, A SHOW, nothing more nothing less, it should be a bit of fun or in some cases a lot of fun for the winners. Derek Webesters is a very good lurcher man by anyons stanards and his lurcher will prove that. Regards Warren

ov course there is u cant judge a dog just by the eye iv seen good judges that look over the dog properley and pick out the faults with the dog iv there is any.

I never said judge by eye, I said there is no need to pull and tug a dog!! I always put my hands over a dog. Its true that I sometimes think I might have spotted a winner when it walks into the ring and change my mind once I have handled it, but thats just my way but it doesnt mean its the only way. If the judge knows his, her stuff then accept their desision no matter how they judge, after all, every one should stand the same chance. Regards warren

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Guest rocky4

thanks for the kind words it saddens me at times i dont show my lurcher or terriers i prefare to work them every dog was judged proper not patted twice even the lurcher that bit me was given the same amount of time the lurchers started at 11 30 and finished at 4 30 and may i say they were a credit to there owners im not going down the road of slagging people off if you think i didnt do a good job then thats your choice its very rare i take any thing with broughton its for local charaties so i never take any thing if you feal you want to judge let me know we can sort a show out for you ive a couple of hob kits spare in a couple of weeks after simon white head takes is two once again thanks for the posative comments all the best for the coming season

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there was people who was stood round the ring watching and puting there dogs bak in cars once they watched the standard ov judging herd a lot ov people said the man didnt no wat he was looking for.


Lurcher and Terrier shows used to be about meeting up, having a laugh, promoting the dogs, demonstrations etc.. something to do out of season. It was'nt all about winning as it is today, unworked lurchers been paraded around the ring, I can't understand it! As for Derek he has more knowledge under his belt, than most. You would do well to respect his decision on what dogs he pulled out and how he judged them, I would be more than happy for him to run his hands over my dogs, and if they were'nt picked so what? Healthy competition is what it should be about, not slagging off just because your dogs not been picked! The job is hard enough! It does sadden me though, to see show dogs in the working classes, surely owners can be honest about what they do with their dogs? Anyway back to the point, judges should be praised for their efforts, in todays situation of do-gooders and unworkable laws, the promotion of working dogs is forefront.

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Guest DogFaceKillah
thanks for the kind words it saddens me at times i dont show my lurcher or terriers i prefare to work them every dog was judged proper not patted twice even the lurcher that bit me was given the same amount of time the lurchers started at 11 30 and finished at 4 30 and may i say they were a credit to there owners im not going down the road of slagging people off if you think i didnt do a good job then thats your choice its very rare i take any thing with broughton its for local charaties so i never take any thing if you feal you want to judge let me know we can sort a show out for you ive a couple of hob kits spare in a couple of weeks after simon white head takes is two once again thanks for the posative comments all the best for the coming season



well said, think it hard job judging meself, and you wont get fairer than this man :clapper:

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there was people who was stood round the ring watching and puting there dogs bak in cars once they watched the standard ov judging herd a lot ov people said the man didnt no wat he was looking for.


Sure you were at the same show,- i just spoke to several people who were there, and they know nothing of all this your saying. Plenty of praise also for Derek. Who put their dogs back in the cars ?

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