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i have a whippetxgrey it is only 8 months old it has caught a number of rabbits already it retrevies them straight away alive to hand this is my second hunting dog due to i am only 15 :11: but i was intrested in learning it the hold command just to make sure that the rabbits not going no were once she has got it any help will b great :signthankspin:




Lurchers were born to hunt, f**k the ban and keep hunting!

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Guest Gregg Barrow





Here are a couple of articles that deal with the “hold’ command. It’s the foundation for the force fetch or force retrieve and every bird dog or retriever trainer works it a little different. These are a good start and if you do an internet search on either force fetch or retrieve, you will find a variety of modifications to the above.

Don’t worry about the e-collar in the first article, the hold can be trained successfully without the e-collar (has been for decades)


The only thing I would add is, keep the dog elevated (similar to the pics in the first link) and start with something like a piece of PVC (I wrap mine tight with a piece of cotton rope). The first will allow you stand eye to eye with the dog and work comfortably, and the second will go a long way toward preventing a hard mouth.



Best Regards,


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