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hello ive just started getting a few budgies and had a pair with a chick but yesturday some idiot went into athe shed and the mother and father flew out :no: so ive been and bought some formula to feed it but its not lucking good does anyone on here got budgies or have any tips on what i could do i dont even no anyone who has budgies with chicks to put it in with them i no its a long shot :(


cheers allrounder

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Its possible to hand rear. You'll need the food and a syringe, with no needle smallest you can get. Feed every couple of hours day and night, clean well after each feed. Keep bird warm too, under a lamp. First few weeks will be tough. Look into it on net as loads of people could give you more details.

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our lass has been tryin to feed it all day but it wasnt eating hardly anything ive just tried again with seringe n its crop has gon up loads so thats a good sign ill keep use informed its every 4 hours it has to be fed last feed at 11 and 1st feed at 6 apparently :hmm:

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I once hand reared 23 baby budgies, ranging from 4 day olds to 10 days, had a fire in my bird shed and most of the adults died from smoke, I was dead set these youngsters would survive, luckerly I worked for my dad at the time, so took 2 weeks off work, feeding every 3 hours around the clock, used an old seed propagator as an incubator/warmth cage, and used a mixture of canay rearing food and farleys rusks, running it through a coffee grinder first in the dry form, then mixing to a double cream consistancy, grinding it fine stops the syringe blocking up, and is better for the budgies, its hard work, as female budgies normally hatch each egg of a clutch on alternative days, thus having a nest of different age babies, she then changes the consitancey of what she's feeding, depending on what age youngster she's feeding, the makers of the rearing food I was using found out what I was doing, when the local pet shops ran out and I phoned the manafacturer up to get more, they delivered the next day, completely free of charge, asking if they could use the story in there advertising, also had "cage & avairy" do a story on it, and a few respected champion breeders ringing me, asking for advice :icon_redface:


hard work, but ended up with 23 of the tamest budgies you'vre ever seen...

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I once hand reared 23 baby budgies, ranging from 4 day olds to 10 days, had a fire in my bird shed and most of the adults died from smoke, I was dead set these youngsters would survive, luckerly I worked for my dad at the time, so took 2 weeks off work, feeding every 3 hours around the clock, used an old seed propagator as an incubator/warmth cage, and used a mixture of canay rearing food and farleys rusks, running it through a coffee grinder first in the dry form, then mixing to a double cream consistancy, grinding it fine stops the syringe blocking up, and is better for the budgies, its hard work, as female budgies normally hatch each egg of a clutch on alternative days, thus having a nest of different age babies, she then changes the consitancey of what she's feeding, depending on what age youngster she's feeding, the makers of the rearing food I was using found out what I was doing, when the local pet shops ran out and I phoned the manafacturer up to get more, they delivered the next day, completely free of charge, asking if they could use the story in there advertising, also had "cage & avairy" do a story on it, and a few respected champion breeders ringing me, asking for advice :icon_redface:


hard work, but ended up with 23 of the tamest budgies you'vre ever seen...


Fantastic story :)


Hope you get a good result allrounder

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Would the parents not try and come back? Good luck with it anyway mate.



they should do/have, back in victorian times, huge flocks of budgerigars were let out to "free fly" they would let them breed in aviarys, then once chicks were in the nest, open the doors up, knowing they would return to feed the babies

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the little chicks doing well, i got some baby bird feed formula from a pet shop and he seems to love it, not sure how big the crop should be [bANNED TEXT] ive finished feeding him so i just stop [bANNED TEXT] he stops cheeping but hes doing fine upto now cheers ;)

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