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Night fishing with the kids and friends .

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Nice to se the kids having fun, but have the zander been knocked on the head? If so can i ask why?


some people cull zander because they are just as much as a pest as the grey squirrel. they are taking over the pike in all of the waterways they were stocked into.



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Raiderboy thought we had left behind those times thats all, fare enough the zander isn't a native speices to this country but they seem to have found a balance in the fens and other areas of the country the pike may be fewer where there are zeds but there also bigger, it wasnt a catty coment i made in any way and i dont want to be drawn in to a row but we could get in to the argument about barbel in the severn and other rivers {only indigenious to the countrys easten rivers} and the chub and roach in Ireland as well as the carp :hmm:

Edited by markp76
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Nice to se the kids having fun, but have the zander been knocked on the head? If so can i ask why?


some people cull zander because they are just as much as a pest as the grey squirrel. they are taking over the pike in all of the waterways they were stocked into.



also therer tasty! but i eat anthing!

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well that guys a prick as well then, you cant take and kill them unless you get permision from waterboard or who ever it is now


Perhaps they both got permission from the waterboard or who ever It Is now?

Good fishing TH :victory:

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