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First time longnetting

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Going out with my new longnet [50yard 6z trad] tonight for the first time ever...I am like a kid anticipating Christmas, its great :clapper:

Not that I actually expect to bring rabbits home this time around, but hopefully I will come out with a little more experience and no tangles.

I know of a little place that usually holds a few rabbits, they leave the cover and move out into the open ground at night to feed. The plan of attack is to walk in slowly so as not to spook them, run out the net [makes it sound so easy, ha.] and then go for a walk back around so the bunnies can make a dash for it back to 'safety'.

All good in theory, eh?

Any last tips or words of advice?

Wish me luck!




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Well I am back, no rabbits for me this time but I DID manage to get the net out and back in without a tangle, which pleases me no end as I did dread that prospect.

I do think that the lack of rabbits may not have been entirely down to my inexperience as a few cars went along the road that bi-sects the area these rabbits usually inhabit as I was netting...and from past experience these bunnies usually make a break for home when a vehicle goes by. I have a feeling they may have been spooked even before I got there by someone driving through...seemed a rather popular location tonight. :icon_redface:

I did have a helper along [was a little daunted by the idea of pegging and letting out the net in the dark by myself], and Langley, it was not as windy as I would have hoped, a slight breeze which, at least, was in my favour.


No bunnies but it was a good experience that I will be staging a repeat of in the near future.

Cheers all


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I won't be hanging up the net Fat Ferret, no way! I really enjoyed walking around furtively with the net and pegs despite only catching a few twigs. ;)

As for the book...not yet, as I am skint for the time being. It's on my list of things to get though. :yes:


Thanks for all replies,


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  • 4 weeks later...
  Fat-Ferret said:
Keep at it, dont hang up your net! Go back as soon as you can again...Did you get Molecatchers book?

I looked at a friend's copy and thought what a pile of sh*t that it was, nothing new to what is already out there, save your money.

Don't all jump on my back trying to defend your mate who wrote it, I am intitled to my opinion and my opinion I will give, after all this is a hunting forum where we can all air our views.

Edited by SGW
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  longnetter said:
:D You certainly are entitled to your opinion SGW, can't argue with that, but if it's Jeff Nicholls book you're talking about I think it will open up molecatching to a lot of people who would otherwise still be struggling

No No my friend,did you not read the first few posts? I was talking about a long netting book that frankley it covered nothing new that has not already been wrote about in other books, mags, videos and to be quite truthfull how much can be video'ed, written about and talked about, after all, long netting is a simple thing to do. (Fu*k me, don't all jump on me again) . How much can be written on a simple subject, and to me this book shows that their is not a lot.

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SGW, you are entitled to your own view ...but how do you expect anyone to listen to it and accept it when we really dont know anything about you ......do you longnet ?..this is your 6th post ....you could be just another prick on here out to cause trouble...c'mon show us the pics or tell us your storys :D ....

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  MIST NET said:
SGW, you are entitled to your own view ...but how do you expect anyone to listen to it and accept it when we really dont know anything about you ......do you longnet ?..this is your 6th post ....you could be just another prick on here out to cause trouble...c'mon show us the pics or tell us your storys :D ....

Well I know nothing about you and why should I share my experiences that have been built up over many years with you or anybody else on here. I dont know you, would I even like you if we met. Seeing those stupid smilies on your reply post's, No, I would not like you.

As for the number of my post's, is this how people on here judge others expierence, well then I must know f*ck all then with my 7 post's. One day when when I reach the top poster spot I will get admeration from you, ( and WE, i take it this word you used refered to a small group in the long netting section lol ).

I gave my opinion to save the chap money, full stop.

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End pins, yes this is a forum for sharing our experiences good or bad ;) and long may it continue.


SWG, you come over as a self opiniated fool....well done for alienating your self.... :clapper::clapper::clapper: .

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