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I heard it was a James Bond type film..................The Sheep who Loved Me....... :D


Or was it just that they needed the fastest car they could get to get out of that shithole place you call home ;)

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I heard it was a James Bond type film..................The Sheep who Loved Me....... :D


Or was it just that they needed the fastest car they could get to get out of that shithole place you call home ;)



Wouldn't have thought so being 300 mile away..... ;)



Maybe they were filming it because they hadn't seen something so nice in Wales......

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It was being delivered as a prize in the "who can come up with the shittest cross and sell the most pups in a year" competition.




C3PO, before you start, you had your chance, you didn't make yourself known, so keep your gob shut, or I'll start shouting about horse peddling too. ;)

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