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dads army outing

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well it started bad and ended well off we went picking up woodga and typp and flite the rest of dads army following in the other jeep behind after a short while i could feel a vibration through the disco i thought no the wife has hers at home :icon_redface: , so i thought take it easy and get there at least after about half an hour we pull up in a layby the lads behind says the wheel is going like a wobbly dog ,on closer inspection 3 wheel nuts have gone no wonder it dont feel right so i whip one off each of the others to get us away ahh that feels better flat out 60 were doing well :D ,

let that be a lesson do any owrk on the jeep remember to tighten them up after your done unlike i did , :( , it could of been a lot worse .

so now its up to the dogs to put things right we had fog mist and drizzle on friday night not exactly ideal conditions but we cant catch any at home a lot of the fields had not been cut so we had to pick and choose were we went both dogs ran well and did there owner proud as usual the two young lads were impressed some times it was a case of now we see him now we dont dogs sliding on there backs with a rabbit in there mouth makes good viewing bet the dogs dont think so , i not been out for couple of times but even the three quarter growns were motoring along the orbs in the picture are midges and oh how they were biting drive a man wild all the best rob woodga and the other 4 in dads army that came along still we done fine 34 all told or there abouts :D so all is well that ended well !!!!!


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we have had a couple of days rain up this end and friday was drizzle so nice and cool for the dogs just a quick jaunt nothing serious then home the two lads never stopped taking all night and were buzzing when the dogs caught their first rabbits it was nice to be out seeing where the numbers are for later in the season and renewing some old acquantances iv had a couple of calls regarding rabbit numbers so we had to make an effort and show our faces securing the permissions for the dogs later in the season judging by how many we saw going to ground there will be some good feretting as well :) and yes ROB WE WERE LUCKY ;)

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