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jill v hob

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i work both hobs and jills,the only downside to working the hobs is that they sometimes get stuck in the purse nets,and that they are a bit slower through the warrens

Jills all the way if you are using nets, if you are using guns or dogs then hobs are just as good, downside with hobs is that they are heavier so have more tendancies to make a kill and lie up for a few hours kip, not a good idea to enter them hungry, although don't feed them too much before working them or they will be less effective, they still need some food in their system for enery while working. Hobs are also excellent for ratting when you are ratting in sheds where hole size is not an issue.

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A medium sized jill for me too for all rounders

Have also had some good hobs as well in past years

This is an age old question where you only over time will

work both jill and hob and see what you prefere some blokes

like jills some hobs and some both

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Hob's.............i used to use Jill's exclusively, but then i started to read and observe what the professionals use!


Hobs all the way....as an example who would be better at throwing someone out of their house , a nine stone woman or a 19stone bloke? think about it!


had a similar topic on another forum, teh blokes who caught the most rabbits and some who did it professionally ....HOB's!

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i always used jills when i first started ferreting

but after a few years i used hobs and wouldnt go back

there much slower and dont come out untill the last rabbit has bolted



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i work both but my hob ferret is by far the best.myself and my mate who i ferret with were working a smallish sett last season and the jills we entered couldnt get all the rabbits to shift,so the hob ferret was entered and bolted the last of the rabbits.i have worked both over the years and still prefer hobs over jills

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