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My dog has gone and hurt himself chasing dogs or something when he was out yesterday. Its the top pad above the dew claw (the wee one sort of like the heel) the hard outer on it has peeled off and is really raw underneath whats the best plan? I had a look at the bit that is hanging off but it is also sore and i dont know if i should cover it or what. He isnt chewing at it or anything im just scared it will catch and get worse as he always gets into some sort of mess when hes out whether its bushes, wire, bad ground or dog fights and I dont want it getting infected.

Any ideas?



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If the bit hanging off is smaller than the pad itself then just get a sharp pair of scissors and cut it off. It will look sore but shouldl heal no problem but don't let the dog run loose until its completely healed. The dog will lick at it and keep it clean. Probably take about 3 weeks to heal.

Edited by skycat
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