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1st Squizzers, now these!!

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Guest Scuba1
Sooooo what do they taste like and are they easy to skin???





thats the one question on everyones mind.



Taste like chicken mate :thumbs:

Well everything else tastes like chicken when you ask them ;)


http://www.lovelandnet.com/toms-place/writ...pdf/recipes.htm :notworthy:






This page is funny, cruel in my eyes but funny :clapping:


Wonder if we could get away with this for squizzers


Right fishing gear at the ready and some pellets in my pocket just in case.......... where exactly where they found and ????? :whistling:

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Sooooo what do they taste like and are they easy to skin???





thats the one question on everyones mind.



Taste like chicken mate :thumbs:

Well everything else tastes like chicken when you ask them ;)


http://www.lovelandnet.com/toms-place/writ...pdf/recipes.htm :notworthy:






This page is funny, cruel in my eyes but funny :clapping:


Wonder if we could get away with this for squizzers


Right fishing gear at the ready and some pellets in my pocket just in case.......... where exactly where they found and ????? :whistling:

:laugh::clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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Right fishing gear at the ready and some pellets in my pocket just in case.......... where exactly where they found and ????? :whistling:



What we gonna use Gent's? Carp, Float or Beachcaster?


Any suggestions as to what breaking strain of line? and should we use a wire trace and shock leader :whistling:


BTW have a look at the .50cal action on http://dogbegone.com/video.html :11:




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Guest Scuba1

A beach caster to get them away from the waren when one strikes and a wire trace for the snare part sounds about right..............I wonder if that could work for rats and wabbits to ???? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I can just imagine the looks on peoples faces when they see you in your brolly camp with a couple of rods in their rests in a field, miles away from any water. .............. " Any luck ????? Yep 2 dogs and a rabbit!!" :clapper: :clapper:





Edited by Scuba1
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