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Hare Coursing

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Guest whippet

Quote from the article:


"The act which came into effect on 18 February makes the hunting with dogs of all wild mammals an offence,"


Well what the f u c k are rats and rabbits? Amphibians? Birds? Little people in fancy dress?


It's nice to see that the BBC can get their facts right, especially when the wrongfull arrest of people could occur from it. :angry:

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was talking to a friend today and he his waiting for confermataion of whether he will be losing his driving license, and he was just a passenger.

what a load of shite, out of all the crimes committed in the country (burgulary, muggings) illegal hare coursing carries a bigger fine than both these. :realmad: :realmad:


All the best Tommy

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Disqualifications are probably for driving offences trying to evade the police. Possibly existing convictions (driving without insurance, already banned etc etc) They have the power to seize the vehicles but the law doesn't stipulate anything about driving convictions. The story is scare mongering, IMO.




Read the Search and Seizure section.

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(4) A forfeiture order-


  (a) may include such provision about the treatment of the dog, vehicle or article forfeited as the court thinks appropriate, and

Yeah. If you're evading the police they have right to charge you for traffic offences too. You're hardly going to stick to the speed limit if you're trying to get away... It would be like watch OJ on telly all over again.

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wat iam saying is how that reads to me is that its open to interpretation of the judge

Yeah but you're quoting a section about forfeiture orders. If you're convicted and the the judge thinks your kit needs to be confiscated he can base his ruling on the state of the dog (i.e whether he believes it's in the dogs interests to be removed form your care), articles (i.e locators, spades, slip leads, ANY hunting paraphenalia), and vehicles.


If 35 driving disqualifations have been made since the ban came in the Hunting Act has no bearing on traffic offences although these may stem from evading the police and driving in a manner which could endanger the public (speeding, reckless driving, drunk/drug driving etc).

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Guest chilli

maybe tommy can answer wat happened in his friends case was he driveing dangerously ? allthough the fact his mate may be looseing his licence it seems they are takin them of u for just being there ! i reckon you will lose your licence if u get caught because most people go out with there dogs in there own cars so shootin of driveing like acunt aint going to get you any were is it ? they no who u r were u live so u r pretty much f****d besides doing barrel ect then burning it out

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Might be worth reading this bit then...




(6) The court which makes a forfeiture order may order the return of the forfeited dog, vehicle or article on an application made-


[a] by a person who claims to have an interest in the dog, vehicle or article (other than the person on whose conviction the order was made), and

before the dog, vehicle or article has been destroyed or finally disposed of under subsection (5)


Whether it's possible to have your kit returned is dependant on the circumstances but there are provisions if the vehicle isn't yours. If it's registered to your mum and you mum applies to have it returned before it's crushed then you may get your vehicle back (if they've seized it in the first place)


It would be interesting to know how people have got on but if anyone gets a tug FFS ask to speak to the duty solicitor before you open your gob. A couple of good briefs advertise in EDRD and work on legal aid to, if you qualify (and you may because this is a criminal matter now). Know your rights.

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Guest chilli

no comment no comment no comment no comment is all you need to say then get ya story perfect go back with your solictor


that bit of the law is ok for gettin the car back but if the dogs get takin of u [bANNED TEXT] you are nicked you wont see them again simple as that them rspca c**ts will kill them quick time

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