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hi could anybody help me out im using a 223 and my load is a

55grain v-max

OAL 2.243

H335 powder

remington 7 1/2 small rifle primer

rifle is a tikka t3 with a 19" barrel (factory barrel)

i would like to know the fps for both 23.8grains + 24.8 grains if anyone would be so kind :D

many thanks nathan

Edited by 3jackwhite3
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i know it probably won't help you but the most accurate way would be to chronograph the velocity yourself, using either your own or borrowing one from someone you know. it'll be far more accurate than any posted on the internet. too many variables possible.


ATB, Jack

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As Arveyboy says, the only way to know is to chrono your particular setup (well worth doing - chrono is about a hundred quid and worth every penny).


But, you are almost in luck. I made up a load with max H335 and 55gr V-max from my 20" barrel SPS tactical and it was about 3000-odd, maybe somewhere to 3100 - got the data somewhere but am at work. Hodgdon says minimum load is around the 3000 mark so I suspect you will get from the top end of 28 to about 3 or just under with that load.


But chrono it - you get your extreme spread, averages and standard deviation, and they are all useful to know how the load is performing.

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  Mr_Logic said:
Indeed, but you do lose a shit load of velocity in a 223 with a short barrel. I know, I've tried and compared with different barrel lengths and the same load.


i've taken about 140fps off the velocity, due to the fact the rifle will never match factory test conditions..... :thumbs:

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  Mr_Logic said:
Snap, where are you getting thos figures? Hodgdon's max load, as Coldweld said is 25.3gr, and I know for a fact that from a short barrel that gives well under the published figure of 3200fps.



brain fart on my behalf,




i'm fooked with the hayfever and was looking at the wrong data :o ...... the load is max at 25.3 and lee data always runs hotter than most manuals....


i agree with the below par FPS, and would think it would be around 2800, 2900 ....



sorry for the brain fart....... ;)

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  3jackwhite3 said:
well i went to the range today and i started low and worked up to 25.gr without any pressure signs and i had good groups with them at 100yds yet to try them at 200yds im expecting to get at least 3100fps

I think you may find it's a tad under rather than a tad over, but somewhere in that ballpark. Good that the groups work - ultimately the accuracy is most important!

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