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Its a mit they have white feet or toes , a white bib , sometimes a couple of white dots on the inside of the legs & a dot of white on its head & ruby eyes ,

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my kits have just opened their eyes. one of the polecats has got red eyes it is different to the other kits as it has 4 white socks and a white throat. mother was a sandy farther was polecat. iv never seen this has any body ever seen this.


yep ive seen it i have a jill exactly the same colour and breeding will put a picture up tomorrow because its a bit too late now



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Its a mit they have white feet or toes , a white bib , sometimes a couple of white dots on the inside of the legs & a dot of white on its head & ruby eyes ,


it must be as it is as u discribe.


No idea if one of the parents has to be a mit to produce a mit, the ruby colouration isnt always ovious but look at the parents eyes , my guess is its the mom who has the ruby eyes as well .


these '' marbled'' ferrets will also have this ruby colouration to the eyes , usually on the belly of the animal theres splodges of lighter fur, creamy colour to almost white it seems to vary , but you see the ruby colouration in certain lights ,

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Its a mit they have white feet or toes , a white bib , sometimes a couple of white dots on the inside of the legs & a dot of white on its head & ruby eyes ,


it must be as it is as u discribe.


No idea if one of the parents has to be a mit to produce a mit, the ruby colouration isnt always ovious but look at the parents eyes , my guess is its the mom who has the ruby eyes as well .


these '' marbled'' ferrets will also have this ruby colouration to the eyes , usually on the belly of the animal theres splodges of lighter fur, creamy colour to almost white it seems to vary , but you see the ruby colouration in certain lights ,


yes mum is a mit. i think there is a couple of marbled kits as well.


im lookin for a small silver or bew dog ferret if some one is close to me who has one and would like exchange. as need some new blood

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Its a mit they have white feet or toes , a white bib , sometimes a couple of white dots on the inside of the legs & a dot of white on its head & ruby eyes ,


it must be as it is as u discribe.


No idea if one of the parents has to be a mit to produce a mit, the ruby colouration isnt always ovious but look at the parents eyes , my guess is its the mom who has the ruby eyes as well .


these '' marbled'' ferrets will also have this ruby colouration to the eyes , usually on the belly of the animal theres splodges of lighter fur, creamy colour to almost white it seems to vary , but you see the ruby colouration in certain lights ,


yes mum is a mit. i think there is a couple of marbled kits as well.


im lookin for a small silver or bew dog ferret if some one is close to me who has one and would like exchange. as need some new blood

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basically ferrets come in two colours


albino and polecat


all the variations are just somewhere inbetween some darker and some lighter


I have seen a sandy polecat ferret with ruby eye's, he was fully marked like a polecat just very diluted and a very light chocolate colour in shade, but no bibs or white feet just very lightly marked poley



nice to have different colours to help you tell em apart but the rabbits wont care what colour it is!


good luck with them looking forward to a pic

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