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Bit of a result!!

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Had a right result today, was in the animal feed shop near my village and got talking to the owner about ferrets and wanting to start to work them, she mentioned she had 38 acres of land which was teeming with bunnies and was wanting someone to get the population in check as she keeps horses on the land and one them had sprained a leg after catching it in a rabbitt scrape.

Lets just say i wasnt shy n offering my services and will definately be getting into ferreting!! strange how you can knock on farmers doors all day long and get nothing then go to buy some dog food and end up with a new permission!!

As i havent got going yet i'm gonna need someone with expirience and equipment to teach me how to go on, I have offered a lad on here who was good enough to take me out with him when i had no permission first chance to come out with me, if he declines is anybody in the halifax area available to show me the ropes?

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38 acres thats not much but suppose over in Uk you have more rabbits in that amount of land than we do in 3 1/2 thousand acres of lands because my girlfriends parents own that much land and we've looked everywhere for rabbit warrens and there is basically nothing its ridiculous theres a couple of rabbits on there but most of them come from the paddock next door which are living in the blackberry bushes. But good luck ferreting mate and have fun.





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