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HI i was woundering if any 1 could help me?

got a pup tha is 15 weeks old been trying to lead train him for the last week and half

with no result ive neva pulled him on the lead but as soon as i put the lead on him he sits down n just shuts down,

any help or other ideas would be most wellcome


think this is the right section now

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try getting someone to stand on the other side of the room with a treat and let him drag the lead over to them then do it again but walk at the side of it holding the lead and reward it . dont do it for to long though or the dog will get bored . once it will walk to someone across the room try it in the yard and then just put some treats in your pocket and try it outside , every now and again stop and give it a treat . Thats how i did mine , he was a nightmare when i tried him at first but it didnt take long once i started rewading him .

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leave a collar on the dog all the time(for now)let it get used to the feeling of it round its neck. put the dog on the lead and have a treat in your other hand,let the dog know you've got it and walk slowly off.if he puts the anchors on,hold the treat close to his face and move away again.usually only takes 2 or 3 15 min sessions of this to give them the idea. :thumbs:

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