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Well folks, after coming home from work (Stuck on a course all day), I had a message on the answerphone. "They've cut the fields in xxx xxx, the ones up on top and near the lane and the deep hole field ( :icon_redface: ), take a look if you can, they'll be out in that"


This is kinda the time I wait for each year when I know that I'm almost guaranteed to shoot a Fox or two due to them being out looking in the freshly cut grass for all the little goodies that lurk below, Mice, Voles, Snakes whatever it happens to be :)


I had to go out for Dinner, yeah I know "had to" :laugh: So I thought I'll go a bit earlier and be back in plenty of time, seen as its not dark until silly o'clock at the moment, but from yesterday, its all going to change, getting darker again now :yes:


I got back, changed, knife, phone, ammunition, went to get the rifle from the cabinet, picked the .222 up and thought, "f**k!!"


The last time I took the "Trips" out, I was getting it out of the car when "bang" hit the bloody scope on the door frame, so that rifle, at this time was out of action. I hadn't had the chance to re-zero.


I didn't want to miss the opportunity tonight so I had no choice but to take the HMR, not my preferred choice, but better than the Shotgun. Before anyone points it out, I have the little caveat that lets me shoot Foxes with it on my FAC ;)


Out came the HMR, got some, now different, ammunition from the cupboard and I set off, not forgetting my new shooting stick, oh and the car keys :D


The farm is a few minutes away and by now it was getting on for 9 o'clock, not that it mattered, I only had about 30 odd acres to cover tonight with a few good vantage points and it was still bright as day. I arrived, got the rifle out, set my stick to the right height, donned my cap and loaded up. Off I went, through one gate and walked along the hedgerow to the top of the first field, which was short and being grazed.


There was a cut field running parallel to my left and I was looking carefully through gaps in the hedge to see if there was anything out there but nothing at this point. I walked to the top of the field, through another gate and into a cut field. Now, this field has a rise in the middle so you have to walk around the sides to try and conceal yourself, save walking to the summit and everything being able to see you.


I circled this field, walked through another gate into another field which was only partially cut, but still I drew a blank. I went to walk back the same way into the previous field and as I came to the gate, I looked carefully around the gateway but nothing doing............ but of course, as soon as I step out into the gateway, with nothing behind me but sky, I see something moving about 75 yards out in front.


Bugger! :angry: Now I couldn't move. He spied me, stared me out, I daren't move. He turned away, so I took a bit of a chance and put the stick out in front and rested the rifle on it in one swift move. I watched the cub through the scope for a while, every so often he was checking me out, but really didn't seem bothered. Naive of him!


He walked toward me a bit, and put his head down, he grabbed something and trotted, quite fast toward the hedgerow. At this point I thought he was going to be gone in not time with no chance for a shot. He got about 15 yards from the hedgerow and I whistled.

He stopped dead in his tracks, looked straight at me. "Phhhhhhhing!..........pop!" Down he went!


At first I didn't see anything, by this time I had reloaded, seems to be instantaneous now :laugh: I watched through the scope, I did see a little but of movement there and being the HMR, I decided there and then, A second shot at what I could see was in order straight away. I couldn't see the head but could relatively clearly see the heart/lung area, so he had another there just to be sure.


I don't like to be in any doubt, but I needn't have worried, upon inspection, the first shot was lethal beyond the need for a second! :yes: At this point the Adrenaline was beginning to subside and breathing back to normal. Chuffed to bits by this point.


Out for 3/4 of an hour and a Fox in the bag. First Fox for me in a while of trying, I was getting very fed up of blank nights, only so many you can take. But this sort of restored the initiative :)


I continued on my walk after dragging the cub to the edge, to the further out field. Its around a wood. I walked through this field expecting to see something as it normally produces one. But a blank. I joined up with a field at the bottom, the first one I walked parallel to. I walked carefully around the gate and into the field. Bollocks!


A adult Fox, stuck her head up, took just the one look at me and ran for her life! I had the caller in my mouth but she wasn't stopping. Ah well, she can wait until tomorrow night. :D


I forgot the proper camera, bit I took two on the old phone, not the best but better than nothing.




A view of part of the field to see what I'm up against :laugh:





SS :thumbs:

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Hi sporting shooter, are you actually shooting in wales or somewhere else,(just be broad) only reason i ask is that that fox has got a lovely thick dark red coat on it, i shoot in the midlands and their alot shorter in hair and less red?!



Yep, South Wales as it says under my avatar :thumbs: They are always pretty much that colour around here, I don't recall them being lighter, not to any degree anyway. Though, seen as the Foxes I shoot are on ground that is keepered, they have a plentiful supply of food and don't starve. Could be a contributory factor.

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