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where normally i keep on my permission or keep out of everyones way, i fancied a change so went on a very popular public footpath, not on the feild longer then ten mins me lurcher had a chase, got out of sight and and i heard this odd yelp my lurcher came back with a swollen leg, popped her on lead and took her home, i done the frozern pea treatment and high protein diet as usual, the leg though swollen was soft to the touch and she didn't respond to pain when i had a good feel and varied the pressure

the following day i took her to the vet and was told its a probable adder bite, gave an antibiotic injection and is currently on tablets, this happened a week and a half ago, tere is no change, the leg is still swollen, i haven't walked her and am now starting to get concerned


the vet i'm with is a pet vet which has a history of pulling strings to gain profit, e.g lastyear the bitch tore her ear and i was after stiches and an injection, instead there operated on her removed more of her ear then plastered her head and neck, the dog was very miserable but still managed to re open the injury, they insisted on doing the same again to her, then done this type of glue, injections, tablets etc cost me nearly 400 pound never healed the injury in the end i popped some plain flour on her ear which formed an artificial scab and healed natuarally


if anyone knows a country vet or racing greyhound vet etc who will be honest with me but importantly will look at my dog and help the quickest fairest way, i'm worried about her though she's not in pain, she hates it when i'm walking the other dogs and leaving her


no abuse wanted please lurcher lass x x x

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Wish I could give more specific advice, my only experience is with a rattlesnake bite on my Aussie/grey and it was only a drybite(no venom injected). A couple of friends have had rattlesnake bites on their dogs and severe swelling is the most obvious symptom, it can take a long time to go down a week to two weeks. A adder bite is far less severe than a rattler so I would imagine as long as the dog is not distressed she should be ok. I will ask my vet as he is a good dog vet and from Essex as well so he can give me a more informed opinion.


atb Dirtwinger

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didnt the vet give you any antinflamatarys ie metacam, rimadyl etc i know its a bit late now but id get some into him and gently massage the leg regularly if the dogs ok in itself i wouldnt worry to much time will heal

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Id she's been treated with medication i wouldn't worry about the swelling. If it was me i'd walk as normal, maybe stick some tea tree or aloe vera massaged in on the swelling . . . . or give Gary a ring, he probably knows an old method used on hounds. ;)

Edited by Hannah4181
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I got bit by an adder years ago whilst out digging, my arm swelled about three times int's normal size. I ended up in hospital on a drip and heart monitor overnight, just to keep an eye on me really. Anyway, the swelling went down after 24 hours and I was just left with a little bruising and a little bit of pain for a couple of days.

Edited to say whilst in hospital they had my arm kept up in the air all night.

Edited by diggerman
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well feck me, just seen this and I can honestly say what a let down from the members in my opinion :( . Come on folks support where it's needed please?


Hope the mutt is OK and make sure of being hydrated :thumbs:

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Finally got hold of my vet and got his ten cents worth. He treats rattlesnake bites the same as he would an adder bite. The main concern in his experience is infection as snakes mouths are loaded with bacteria. He puts the dog on anti inflamatories and antibiotics and they do fine. The real problems are when swelling obstructs the airways, with a leg bite this wont be a issue.


atb Dirtwinger

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I got bitten by an adder on the ankle when I was 12. My leg swelled up to just above the knee: my dear dad reckoned that as I hadn't keeled over I wasn't likely to die LOL Took about a fortnight for the swelling to go down. Keep the dog moving: just walking: it is the best way to dissipate the toxins, and very gentle massage of the swollen leg will also help to remove the toxin from that area.

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If the dogs ok now it will be alright theres two Herbal remedies for snakebite in the uk they are echinacea and goldenseal both will help sort the immune system out after a bite and good old garlic a capsule twice daily will clean the blood it will be a bit late for the first two but give the garlic a go best blood detoxifier there is imo :victory:

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