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injury to young lurcher

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my mates just rung me,he just been out for a mooch with his 2 colliex grey ones retired now hes 8 year old and the young en has just turned 2 they was running about together ,when i rabbit got up and made a dash for the woods the 2 dogs gave chase next thing out of sight of him he heard 1 dog yelping like mad he got into the woods and only about 5 yards into the woods and he found his young dog with a nasty injury to its leg he took it straight to vets and the dog has cracked its knee cap.hes gutted the dog was coming on a treat he has put alot of time into this dog and was looking forward to working him this year.dont think that dog be the same again with injury like that.

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he has left the dog at vets tonight ,then he,s going back in morning hopefully then the vet will be able to tell him more news

Tell Him NOT to give up mate, if he needs a second opinion i know a good bone man , sorted my dog out. just pm me for his no

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my staffy snaped his kneecap of when he was younger the vet put some pins and screws in for a month or two then took them back out and the dog is good with it no limping you cant tell it happend and i walk him alot around the forrest and he will run jump and crash through every type of ground and water

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