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recurve bow.

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hi all,

after trying some archery at one of those fun days (and hitting all 3 baloons i might add :D) i was thinking of buying a compound bow formy size (50" bow i think) can anyone reccomend a good bow for 13 year olds? i was thinking of buying this package http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Woodland-HunterJunio...%3A1%7C294%3A50 . it has to be under £50.




p.s its not going to be used for hunitng, only target practice, so dont get your knickers in a twist

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c'mon. knowbody ahs any knowledg about archery? i didnt know which section to put this in but since there was a corssbow psot in this setcion i thuoght it was the palce to go.


are you pissed, sniffed a winegum possibly???? :o


your spelling is all over the shop today


get a grip aaron and when it comes to bows well tbh i don't know :icon_redface:

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They're ok for what they are. Stick to recurve to start with. Cheap compound bows are nothing but agg.


If you can go a little extra cash, have a look at Genesis bows, there's often one or two on e-bay.


Also, check out the spell check function on your computer.



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compond bows.... :feck:


recurves... :feck:


traditional bows, (longbows, flat bows) :toast: WE HAVE A WINNER!!


i currently shoot an english longbow, and they're far better the componds or recurves!! you may not get the result you want right away, but when you do you've learnt something that you actually worked for, not just zeroed the sights!!


plus you can learn to make your own bows, and i dont mean boj jobs by anybodys standards!


you can pick up some resonably priced ones if you scan about, feel free to pm me if you want more info




p.s i know my spelling is sh!te but im dyslexic :icon_redface:

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dribble dribble deer slayer




i have a compound its f*****g too powerfull the same bow (model) killed an elephant in the bush theres a video on youtube


shot it at two bails of straw and it went through both and into my and a thick plywood stable


and that was on the low setting this demon only cost 100 quid

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dribble dribble deer slayer




i have a compound its f*****g too powerfull the same bow (model) killed an elephant in the bush theres a video on youtube


shot it at two bails of straw and it went through both and into my and a thick plywood stable


and that was on the low setting this demon only cost 100 quid


What bow is it, mate? I use a Merlin Max 2000 55lb draw.



Edited by andyfr1968
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if you dont want a creek in your neck at 30 then get the trainer stuff.. build first play later.


Dead right! I started when I was 10 with a 12lb fiberglass longbow.


Keep within your limits. No prizes for pulling extra lb's!



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