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new gun just sat doing fuckall

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don't poach mate. i live in an area where all the land is owned by horseys who have more rabbits than you can shake a stick at, and they don't care at all. some of them even protect the rabbits on there land, and not let me shoot on it! any farmer growing crops will want them protected. just keep knocking on those doors.

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iv red up on the laws and dont think il be poaching with the gun lol thanks for the tips iv knocked on doors raung rouned and posted letters and evry wher iv tryed sum1 els shoots or ferrets ther allredy

just unlucky me


and thanks to 410phil for the offer i wil be takeing you up on that mate thanks :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy::gunsmilie:

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got my self a rifle not long ago av tryed evrywhere ner me and carnt get any permissons think im going out poaching f**k the police if i dont get corght i dont in trub :gunsmilie:



Arm Trespass - Chance of Getting Shot :o

Plus winding up Local Press Against Air Gunners :angry:


Check out Local Air Gun Club - might find some willing to Share their Shoot


As Often posted there are Several hundred Shooters for each available Vermin Shoot

Most local Shoots are often covered by Air Gun Club Members ;)



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I personaly have permission and I would never shoot anywhere without it - but I know lads who 'poach' on council land, they've been caught by the police and were just told to go home and not do it there again.?

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I personaly have permission and I would never shoot anywhere without it - but I know lads who 'poach' on council land, they've been caught by the police and were just told to go home and not do it there again.?

It's a bit of a lottery mate. :yes: My brother gained his permission years ago, by being caught hiding in the hedge by the farmer! :D Same with another bloke I know, but these days it's not worth it IMO, they're too quick to send out the ARV! I don't fancy some copper pointing an MP5/tazer at me! :no::laugh:

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its shit dont you think i cud do with sum rabbs for the ferrets as wel thinking of selin to pay for the lurcher pup im looking for you carnt get in trub if you take 1 of them out


speak in a recognisable language then we will talk

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