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Gutted bad health

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Any of you lads had to get rid of stock and give up doing the stuff you enjoy because of bad health?? I used to box and run in the army i had a bad accident got medically discharged and had many surgeries on my knee, iv kept the dogs fit and able love working with the dogs but now i have arthritis and more surgy required so have found myself having to move the dogs on because i cannot exercise them anymore, i struggle to walk a mile sometimes never mind get out in the fields. The dogs are part of my life and my hobby and its killing me that i have to part ways with some of them and stop doing what i love, im only 27 and my legs are f****d. Bad times.

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I am so sorry to hear that your knees are causing you this problem, isnt there someone that can help with the dogs , excersize etc & to go out with you & maybe do the bits you cant ?

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Any of you lads had to get rid of stock and give up doing the stuff you enjoy because of bad health?? I used to box and run in the army i had a bad accident got medically discharged and had many surgeries on my knee, iv kept the dogs fit and able love working with the dogs but now i have arthritis and more surgy required so have found myself having to move the dogs on because i cannot exercise them anymore, i struggle to walk a mile sometimes never mind get out in the fields. The dogs are part of my life and my hobby and its killing me that i have to part ways with some of them and stop doing what i love, im only 27 and my legs are f****d. Bad times.


Keep the dogs, Reumetion Arthritis is not the end of the world, once you get your knee's done you'll be fine to walk miles. ;)

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Any of you lads had to get rid of stock and give up doing the stuff you enjoy because of bad health?? I used to box and run in the army i had a bad accident got medically discharged and had many surgeries on my knee, iv kept the dogs fit and able love working with the dogs but now i have arthritis and more surgy required so have found myself having to move the dogs on because i cannot exercise them anymore, i struggle to walk a mile sometimes never mind get out in the fields. The dogs are part of my life and my hobby and its killing me that i have to part ways with some of them and stop doing what i love, im only 27 and my legs are f****d. Bad times.


can you not hunt from a truck , or if you can aford it buy a second hand quad bike, that way you can keep them fit , and hunt from the truck/quad.


sad to hear about your problems , especialy for such a young lad , but dont give up. just see it as another challange that need to be overcome . all the best TOMO

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Could you not team up with someone who can do the hard work: a ferreting partner: I know that for many people ferreting isn't as exciting as lamping etc, but at least you can sit: take a fold up fishing chair when you need to rest. At least you get to watch your dog work and for a lot of us that is the most important bit of hunting.

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Hi dont give up so easy i know a guy goes wildfowling in a wheel chair and have mett a guy who shoots with only one arm and i have had half of my right lung removed and i still go hunting so dont stop or you will get very depressed and start to feel sorry for yourself, dave

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I've got osteoarthritis in both knees, due to 15 years of operations, I know how you feel. I've had to give up my job as a plasterer because of it. I too struggle to walk for any length of time. If I've been out for a mooch, I'm in agony the next day. I also feel a bit like a spare part out ferreting at times, I have trouble bending down to place nets in awkward places.


I find I have to adjust my outings to suit, taking a break more often, trying to avoid walking down steep slopes, even though it's not always possible, etc.

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Stick with it mate, my back is fecked hurt it in 1980. I am mid 50s now, but still go lamping+mooching, in fact i think if you do feck all , it can make it worse :o . I take pain-killers every day. You might have to do that, hang in there ;)

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Maybe there is a young lad round your way who can help keep your dogs fit and in return you could teach him the ropes with hunting.

If someone lives in a flat and can't keep pets, he might be really up for it.

Don't give up, explore every avenue.

Where there is a will there is a way mate.

Best of luck


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I know where you're coming from mate. I'm 27 next month and suffer kidney disease, ME, fibromyalgia, asthma, weak joints, you name it lol I went through a spell where I could barely get out of bed or stand up for more than a few seconds, never mind go hunting or work the dogs. Luckily I'm picking up a bit now, but I'll never be right. As was said above, a good mate who's willing to help out is worth their weight, even if you do feel like you're taking the pee when you can't pull your fair share of the weight. (cheers Gnipper :D)...


I find that helping 'repay' them in other ways eases my conscience. They do the heavier work (most of the digging, carrying etc) while we're out, and I fix their PCs and so on lol Chin up fella, so long as your dog gets walked (by family, friends or yourself) and sees SOME work, it's 10x better off than 99.9% of the rest of the poor sods locked in on the couch :good:

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