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problem with my ferret

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Guest wickidweasel

could be brought on by diarrhea or not being weaned onto dry feed properly generally over straining causes theres many causes rectal prolapse either way get it to a vets as it can get all sorts of infections with its arse like that

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hello lads iv been out on the weekend and my mum said the ferrets bum looked normal and i got home today it looks fine but a bit mucky so i give him a quick bath.so the problems sorted now lads thanks a lot anyways :clapper::D

p.s any tips on how to get my new ferret and my older hob to live together, because everytime i put my young hob in the cage my old one picks it uo by the scruff and takes him into the nest box

all the best staffy-1 :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Guest Erin go bragh

Alright lads i only got 2 ferrets they are my first i got them last saturday i have 2 hobs a pole cat and an albino i have noticed the same thing about my polecat so i took him to the vet she gave me lube to stop it from drying up so it will be easier for it to go back in place and also she has gave me tablets iv to disolve in water and feed to him once everyday so hopefully it will get better he is the exact same age as urs just over 8 weeks and a friend was saying about him not properly been weaned she mentioned somthing about a parasite also that can cause it but she said it is quite common so hopefully he gets better

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