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Guest simple simon

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Guest simple simon

Has anyone else got the wrong impression of this guy? He led me to believe he was running a service for ferreters, ie= helping to put wannabee ferreters into the game by taking them out etc. I was all for this 'free' service and would have willingly taken any newbies out to show them the basics. Suddenly everything is a closed shop unless you become a £15.00 a year member. I've been ferreting for years with my mates etc, and now have my own ferrets and land, so I wanted to put something back into the game by helping a newcomer, or two! But this bloke is just taking the piss in my opinion and I've just told him so, I don't mind putting something back into the game, but won't put anything into his arse pocket!

Uless its a polecat x ferret! :realmad:

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Guest caleb
Has anyone else got the wrong impression of this guy? He led me to believe he was running a service for ferreters, ie= helping to put wannabee ferreters into the game by taking them out etc. I was all for this 'free' service and would have willingly taken any newbies out to show them the basics. Suddenly everything is a closed shop unless you become a £15.00 a year member. I've been ferreting for years with my mates etc, and now have my own ferrets and land, so I wanted to put something back into the game by helping a newcomer, or two! But this bloke is just taking the piss in my opinion and I've just told him so, I don't mind putting something back into the game, but won't put anything into his arse pocket!

Uless its a polecat x ferret! :realmad:


basically, put in easy to understand terms, THAT MAN IS A TWAT! I've had a few things to say to him too, he cons you along for a while then lands the sucker punch, FECK HIM! :sick:

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Guest simple simon
The site makes lots of noise about being purely a charity...yet it is not a registered charity?


Anyone know why?? :oops:


I asked him first, then I TOLD him the second time to remove my details from his site! The THIRD time I wasn't too pleasant about it, and then today, he sent me a contact who wants to learn net making and long netting. I don't mind helping anyone, but that site organiser is one cheeky f-----g c--t! :realmad:

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I was always a bit leary of the place, and tend to delet without reading the ton of emails the twat sends.


But on a better note, I did gain a few perrmissions (well 3) through

the site, in its early days.

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Guest caleb
I was always a bit leary of the place, and tend to delet without reading the ton of emails the twat sends.


But on a better note, I did gain a few perrmissions (well 3) through

the site, in its early days.


Fair enough then, at least that's a positive, maybe he isn't quite the twat I thought, but he is still at the very least = A c**t AND A QUARTER! :rofl:

Edited by caleb
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