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Well done Craigy. I told you they would go down with no bother..... ;):)

A size C ring is what they take.


Goood luck with them mate and i think they will fledge well as both parents are superb feeders.....



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Well done Craigy. I told you they would go down with no bother..... ;):)

A size C ring is what they take.


Goood luck with them mate and i think they will fledge well as both parents are superb feeders.....



cheers mate,theyre rung and almost ready to leave the nest and your right both parents are excellent feeders theyve been a joy to watch,theres 3,il keep 2 and my mates put his name on a hen in exchange for a pair of mealies,thanks again darcy,and as they say round our way "your a good egg" :thumbs:

Edited by craigyboy
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Well done Craigy. I told you they would go down with no bother..... ;):)

A size C ring is what they take.


Goood luck with them mate and i think they will fledge well as both parents are superb feeders.....



cheers mate,theyre rung and almost ready to leave the nest and your right both parents are excellent feeders theyve been a joy to watch,theres 3,il keep 2 and my mates put his name on a hen in exchange for a pair of mealies,thanks again darcy,and as they say round our way "your a good egg" :thumbs:


Brilliant. The hen they were bred out of was the steadiest i have ever seen. She would feed out of my fingers whilst incubating eggs!! Which is practically unheard of in british birds. Mindst you, i did spend alot of time with her, so maybe that helps. Those two seem to have inherited her trait as a good mother. The father of those two was also a brilliant bird, but no where as steady as the hen. He was, however, a very very good feeder and didnt get too rough in the courtship.

He was a stunning bird, with colours that shone. I think these characteristics were passed on..... :clapper::victory:


Get your name down on a chick bred from that hen your giving to your mate to an outcross then you can put it back into your birds and still retain some of the qualities whilst not getting too inbred. :notworthy:


Thanks for the update... top class result.

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alright darcy another update,went out this morning to see to my birds an realised the chaffy chicks had left the nest so i went in to check and i found 2 hiding under the nettle patch :D and i found the 3rd one dead in the water dish :( absolutley gutted,the joys of bird keeping eh mate,its fecking heartbreaking at times :cry:

Edited by craigyboy
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yes that one always was a bit of a dish fetish...lol.. i sorted it by placing a wicker nest basket in the dish and then into a privet bush.


still it dont matter...


the other chaffy hens seem to build their own nest, that birds mother would weave some very nice workls of art.....chaffy nests take some beating....

great pics....JD

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yes that one always was a bit of a dish fetish...lol.. i sorted it by placing a wicker nest basket in the dish and then into a privet bush.


still it dont matter...


the other chaffy hens seem to build their own nest, that birds mother would weave some very nice workls of art.....chaffy nests take some beating....

great pics....JD

wish ihad your luck my mealies laid 4 hatched 3 fed for 5 days left them to die they aint gone back down either .

its a ball ache mate,last season my pair of redpolls reared 17 young,this season shes laid 3 times 5 eggs each time and theyve all been empty :angry: the joys of bird keeping mate...they can be fickle at times ;)

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