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Trip Out For A Few Hour

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My cousin and me went out for a few hours tonight, little bit of decoying with a opened up rabbit and decoy magpie. got a magpie and crow, then a mouch around and we got 5 rabbits, saw hundreds tho, wasnt very stealthy.


here are the pictures:




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My cousin and me went out for a few hours tonight, little bit of decoying with a opened up rabbit and decoy magpie. got a magpie and crow, then a mouch around and we got 5 rabbits, saw hundreds tho, wasnt very stealthy.


here are the pictures:


just from memory if this were tomorrow night you would be on 14points already. good going!

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The area we were shooting in we spotted a tree where crows roost, as we got near they all started circling us, there must of been a few hundred, real shotgun fodder, but seen as though I dont own a shotgun it could be some good decoying in future!

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