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Great White Shark Love Story

Guest foxyjo.

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Guest Scuba1
On another forum, somebody just said it was an April Fool hoax.


I'm not sure if that's her opinion or fact, but to me it seems unlikely this is genuine. As Fidgety says, it's mouth is open in bite mode, so does that mean dinner is being waved at it, and this guy is crazy enough to go in to touch it? Or is it just an all round disappointment, and the photos have been meddled with?


If the photos are real - which they look to be, (although I'm no expert!!) they are still amazing shots!!


Ok foxy thye way he comes up on those pictures is the typical feeding mode approach of a great white (Carcharodon carcharias ) when they are after surface food like sea lions so there is no cuddly love involved in any of those pictures. As said before, the lines that the bloke in the pictures holds in his hands has a floating bait on the other end of it ( get what I am trying to say yet ? ). Also, great whites don,t have this kind of love emotion thing in them and even their offspring legs / fins it as soon as they are born so as not to turn into mothers din din.

So IMHO and having played with sharks and rays for many years I would say that those photos are real but the text going with them is a load of oblocks.

If that shark was so in love with the bloke, why is he not in the water with it ?? ;)





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they just gime the shits im scared witless of um.



Same here, when i go on holiday and go in the sea, iam on [Red Alert] iam going to Italy this year and they have had the feckers there. :o:D

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Guest Scuba1
they just gime the shits im scared witless of um.



Same here, when i go on holiday and go in the sea, iam on [Red Alert] iam going to Italy this year and they have had the feckers there. :o:D



During the cause of a year, there are a hell of a lot more people getting killed by falling coconuts then by shark attacks and I have never seen a tourist legging it and screaming by the sight of a palm tree.

Chances are, that you are a lot more likely getting run over by the bus that you are waiting for to take you to the beach where you want to go for a swim. So don't worry about sharks in Italy, when there are so many more mad drivers around.

I have been diving and working in diving for over 30 years and it a hell of a job getting close enough to a shark to get a decent photograph, let alone touch the fecker and I have tried many times and still have all my limbs and fingers.





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great whites dont 'turn over ' and like there bellys tickled ffs !!!


touching a great whites nose has been common practice when they breach for years.


i have a good dvd here of a guy who catches great whites on a hand line and then dispatches with a shotgun ( before the ban )

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