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Great White Shark Love Story

Guest foxyjo.

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Guest foxyjo.

My slightly batty Great Aunt emails me pictures of "cute" animals, doing "cute" things all the time.


She's an anti, and I'm not sure this isn't some sort of therapy I'm undergoing to make me see sense... Most of what she sends me is boring tripe, but this is actually quite fascinating.


I'm rather interested in sharks and have read a few books, and understand them to be the most basic of creatures, very primitive so to speak. Small brains, bit like living dinosaurs. I once read an account of a trick some fishermen would do in a far flung country, of catching a shark, slicing open it's stomach and dropping it back into the water, where it would feed on it's own entrails... Now if that is the case, if they are THAT basic, then what on earth is going on with this fella?????






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Guest foxyjo.

On another forum, somebody just said it was an April Fool hoax.


I'm not sure if that's her opinion or fact, but to me it seems unlikely this is genuine. As Fidgety says, it's mouth is open in bite mode, so does that mean dinner is being waved at it, and this guy is crazy enough to go in to touch it? Or is it just an all round disappointment, and the photos have been meddled with?


If the photos are real - which they look to be, (although I'm no expert!!) they are still amazing shots!!

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if its that "in love" with him why he gotta bait the water (2nd pic from bottom) plus i watch a lot of animal progs and im sure theres a guy who tags great whites and he does the nose touch to move them away when to close to the boat or summat along them lines 110% its bull

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well its not there for the petting!!!


that is in S.africa i was ther in January working and i went cage diving for the day on the very same boat!!!! (recognise the crew)


there is a small town 2hrs from cape town called Gaansbai (pronounced hansbay)

and they have dwyer island bout 20 minutes out from them and there are SEVEN shark diving boats all working out of one small village they are governed by strict government rulings and yes as was stated correctly they are baited in and you can see the bait line in the pics.


if anyone has the chance to do this i highly recommend it, ive been diving for 17yrs and that was just amazing experience



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well its not there for the petting!!!


that is in S.africa i was ther in January working and i went cage diving for the day on the very same boat!!!! (recognise the crew)


there is a small town 2hrs from cape town called Gaansbai (pronounced hansbay)

and they have dwyer island bout 20 minutes out from them and there are SEVEN shark diving boats all working out of one small village they are governed by strict government rulings and yes as was stated correctly they are baited in and you can see the bait line in the pics.


if anyone has the chance to do this i highly recommend it, ive been diving for 17yrs and that was just amazing experience



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well its not there for the petting!!!


that is in S.africa i was ther in January working and i went cage diving for the day on the very same boat!!!! (recognise the crew)


there is a small town 2hrs from cape town called Gaansbai (pronounced hansbay)

and they have dwyer island bout 20 minutes out from them and there are SEVEN shark diving boats all working out of one small village they are governed by strict government rulings and yes as was stated correctly they are baited in and you can see the bait line in the pics.


if anyone has the chance to do this i highly recommend it, ive been diving for 17yrs and that was just amazing experience



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Guest foxyjo.

Sauer - you're a brave fella!! :notworthy: Thanks for putting me out of my misery over this!! I'd love to see Great Whites one day, but I don't think I'd have the nerve to get in a cage. Did you get the opportunity to take any pics?


Hi Big Noel!! :tongue2:

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