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Guest wickidweasel
  alastair said:
its going down the pan.these immigrants are clever f....ckers they know young english lads do not want to work,im a bricklayer and have had 7 labourers in the last 2 years all lazy buggers,they might look tuff in thier caps and hoodies but give em a shovel and hod and they are f.......d.what about strawberry pickers etc all immigrants.soon we will see labour supply companies from eastern europe sending half decent trade people to u.k for less than us boys wages. a small drop in our wages and we will be screwed ,considering most u.k people are debted up to thier eyeballs.sell up boys were being invaded. :(


Already happening around London theyve already killed the screeding game all the price works going down the pan because they want 8 hours a day for pennies instead of a quality job for a reasonable price same with the plastering theres spreads on one firm working for between £50-£70 per day how the f**k can you compete with that its labourers money.

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Guest simple simon

A Martian lands in Bradford and walks up to the first person he see's 'hello I'm from Mars, it's nice to meet you English person'! The figure shakes it's head 'I'm not English, I am Polish' and walks away. The next figure appears and the Martian repeats his statement, the figure says 'me not Engrish, me chinee' and walks off laughing. A minute later another figure appears, the Martian repeats his statement yet again, the figure says ' no, no, no, I am Indian' and walks off. The Martian says 'feck this and walks up to a woman filling her people carrier at the local petrol station, 'are YOU English'? she says 'no, I am bengali' Well that was it he'd had enough, he said 'where the feck are all the English then'? She looked at her watch and said 'it's only midday, they're probably all still at work'! :rofl:

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  Cork Boye said:
too true we have the same shite over here with the polish i am working on a site at the moment and i am one of 8 irish on there the rest (30) are polish lithuanian or some other lazy useless c**ts they drive there foreign registered cars with no tax insurance and they are quickly turning this one fine city into a heroin infested squalor (rant over) :realmad:


I had to smile at this post an Irishman moaning about cheap migrant labour :11: :11: you need to take a look at the history of your own countrymen. :11:

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Guest wickidweasel
  Kane said:
  Cork Boye said:

too true we have the same shite over here with the polish i am working on a site at the moment and i am one of 8 irish on there the rest (30) are polish lithuanian or some other lazy useless c**ts they drive there foreign registered cars with no tax insurance and they are quickly turning this one fine city into a heroin infested squalor (rant over) :realmad:


I had to smile at this post an Irishman moaning about cheap migrant labour :11: :11: you need to take a look at the history of your own countrymen. :11:



:rofl: My 86 year old Grandad says the irish are the origional niggers but then his wife did leave him for a paddy

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There is no room for them and yes we are being drained.I look at it more deeply than that tho as we know these people have experianced hell there family,s and loved ones killed and tortured were they come from its an everyday thing for someone to get killed.With the experiances these people have had they dont care about anything i dont think there would be anything anyone could do to give them fear,what could anyone do thats worse than what they,ve gone through,uk will become a very dangerous place.The way were going i have a bad feeling there will be plenty of blood on the streets before long.

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Guest Geordie

Thats the very real and worrying part about the whole thing.

Lets just say things did kick off between the brits and the immigrants on a national scale.How scarey would that be eh?

Riots in every major town and city in the UK :icon_eek:


Not my idea of fun,i dont mind the odd scrap every now and then,but im not one to be going into a full scale battle with people who think nothing of chopping bits off each other for petty theft and such like.

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  dodger said:
There is no room for them and yes we are being drained.I look at it more deeply than that tho as we know these people have experianced hell there family,s and loved ones killed and tortured were they come from its an everyday thing for someone to get killed.With the experiances these people have had they dont care about anything i dont think there would be anything anyone could do to give them fear,what could anyone do thats worse than what they,ve gone through,uk will become a very dangerous place.The way were going i have a bad feeling there will be plenty of blood on the streets before long.

Yes mate there are some that have experienced some terrible things in there own country but they are the small minority of people that claim asylum, maybe one in ten at the very most.

The majority are just economic migrants lying there way in! They take up places that more useful migrants might be able to take.

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  Andy Super Dogs said:
The man who may well of saved this country from becoming the heap of shite it is now becoming was sadly killed in the mid-nineties,many people called him but he loved this country and he stood up to all before him.Ian Stuart..a true warrior,he fronted a band back from the mid-seventies until his death called Skrewdriver.Here are a few of his battle anthem songs to name a few...Free my Land,Europe Awake,Tomorrow Belongs To Me,Flying The Flag,Race And Nation,White Power,Hail The New Dawn,Our Pride is Our Loyalty,this guy was one of my real heroes,call me what you will but i ain't ashamed to call myself a White Nationalist,in my view we are being more than swamped by illegal's and Non-British,we have probably gone past the point of no return but let's save what little credability this once great nation had.Here's the lyrics to one of Skrewdriver's songs from almost 25 years ago,how true are these words now,Ian Stuart realised what lay ahead unlike the clowns who govern and run this country.




They come here to this country from the jungles and from trees


The traitors in the parliament give them a better deal


Spend the nation's money, to cater to their needs


They all accept our charity, then bite the hand that feeds






Before the night falls, heed the White call


Before the night falls, when the reaper calls you




Our forefathers fought in two world wars, they thought to keep us free


But I'm not sure that in those wars, who was our enemy


The Zionists own the media, and they're known for telling lies


And I could see, that it could be, we fought on the wrong side




European unity, the North teutonic dream


To scoop to save humanity, leave Europe with the cream


But now our once proud Europe, looks like a melting pot


But melting pots boil over, and it's getting pretty hot


Cheers Andy. :good:


Andy for [bANNED TEXT] its worth i stand with you mate :big_boss:



Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger Lounge in Midland, Texas, awaiting their flights. One is an American Indian passing through from Lame Deer. Another is a Cowboy on his way to Houston for a livestock show and the third passenger is a fundamentalist Arab student, newly arrived at Texas State University from the Middle East.


Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the two Westerners learn that the Arab is a devout, radical Muslim and the

conversation falls into an uneasy lull. The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table and tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face.


The wind outside is blowing tumbleweeds around, and the old windsock is

flapping; but still no plane comes.


Finally, the American Indian clears his throat and

softly he speaks, “At one time here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few."


The Muslim student raises an eyebrow and leans forward, "Once my people were few," he sneers, "and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?"


The West Texas cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a drawl, "That's 'cause we ain’t played Cowboys and Muslims yet, but I do believe it's a-comin'."




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Guest baldie
  SeanTheHawker said:
the english have always been racists to the irish, 800 years of murder,rape, starvation and torture............. thought things had changed, maybe not



Not all mate, an irishman is welcome at my table, anytime.I,m ashamed of the way my race has treated yours over the centuries, but make no apologies for the rest of the world, it was better, a third, pink.

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  simple simon said:
A Martian lands in Bradford and walks up to the first person he see's 'hello I'm from Mars, it's nice to meet you English person'! The figure shakes it's head 'I'm not English, I am Polish' and walks away. The next figure appears and the Martian repeats his statement, the figure says 'me not Engrish, me chinee' and walks off laughing. A minute later another figure appears, the Martian repeats his statement yet again, the figure says ' no, no, no, I am Indian' and walks off. The Martian says 'feck this and walks up to a woman filling her people carrier at the local petrol station, 'are YOU English'? she says 'no, I am bengali' Well that was it he'd had enough, he said 'where the feck are all the English then'? She looked at her watch and said 'it's only midday, they're probably all still at work'! :rofl:


If you English work so many hours why are you clogging up are roads at 1.30pm every Friday??? :icon_eek:

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a rumour i heard a while ago. If recruitment agencys can get foreign people more than 13 weeks work they receive a grant OFF OUR GOVERMENT for each person. Weather it's true i don't know but it would explain a lot of things. especially in the place i work!

Fair enough some of them are coming here because they'd get killed in there own country but the one's who think the grass is greener on OUR side, coming over and then signing on need to F*ck off back to where they came from n work hard for a living like we all have to. If we all went to say America to claim asylum we'd all get thrown back over here straight away. Our goverment's a joke, but most people are scared of a shake-up so they stick with labour hoping for change when knowing deep down it's not going to happen. Thankfully people are starting to change there ways.

(notice how more people are voting BNP?)


That's my rant over!!!



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