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pup and girlfriend

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Let the pup eat some sheep shi*e and she wont let it in the bed. lol


:clapper: and more to the point: once it comes home covered in whatever it has rolled in or killed she won't be wanting to spoil it any more LOL

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Been there, done that. Ever seen a 40lb American Bulldog puppy wrapped in a blanket, wearing a bonnet and carried upside down newborn-baby style? :blink: Or a working terrier pup carried everywhere inside a jacket and called "cutey-kins"?


Let them have their fun lads; once they're five or six months old and ragging feck out of everything and wanting out, the birds soon get bored of them. That's when you take over. Consider it excellent socialisation, which it is, and can only help produce a well rounded pup if not taken to extremes (i.e. snappy lap dog).


The natural order of things goes thus:


0 - 7 weeks: Dam feeds and takes care of pups

7 - 8 weeks: Dam sick of pups, sire takes over showing the pups the way of the world

(7 - 8 weeks with domestic dogs): Man buys dog, woman steals 'baby'. Woman keeps 'baby' for a few days/weeks/months (depending)

<6 months: Woman tells man 'that bloody dog' needs to go out, be sold or shot - she doesn't care which so long as it stops shagging her leg and eating her Jimmy Choos. Man takes dog. Dog and man kill much vermin together and live happily ever after. The end :D

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Been there, done that. Ever seen a 40lb American Bulldog puppy wrapped in a blanket, wearing a bonnet and carried upside down newborn-baby style? :blink: Or a working terrier pup carried everywhere inside a jacket and called "cutey-kins"?


Let them have their fun lads; once they're five or six months old and ragging feck out of everything and wanting out, the birds soon get bored of them. That's when you take over. Consider it excellent socialisation, which it is, and can only help produce a well rounded pup if not taken to extremes (i.e. snappy lap dog).


The natural order of things goes thus:


0 - 7 weeks: Dam feeds and takes care of pups

7 - 8 weeks: Dam sick of pups, sire takes over showing the pups the way of the world

(7 - 8 weeks with domestic dogs): Man buys dog, woman steals 'baby'. Woman keeps 'baby' for a few days/weeks/months (depending)

<6 months: Woman tells man 'that bloody dog' needs to go out, be sold or shot - she doesn't care which so long as it stops shagging her leg and eating her Jimmy Choos. Man takes dog. Dog and man kill much vermin together and live happily ever after. The end :D



love it mate!! happy hunting

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Guest Scuba1
Been there, done that. Ever seen a 40lb American Bulldog puppy wrapped in a blanket, wearing a bonnet and carried upside down newborn-baby style? :blink: Or a working terrier pup carried everywhere inside a jacket and called "cutey-kins"?


Let them have their fun lads; once they're five or six months old and ragging feck out of everything and wanting out, the birds soon get bored of them. That's when you take over. Consider it excellent socialisation, which it is, and can only help produce a well rounded pup if not taken to extremes (i.e. snappy lap dog).


The natural order of things goes thus:


0 - 7 weeks: Dam feeds and takes care of pups

7 - 8 weeks: Dam sick of pups, sire takes over showing the pups the way of the world

(7 - 8 weeks with domestic dogs): Man buys dog, woman steals 'baby'. Woman keeps 'baby' for a few days/weeks/months (depending)

<6 months: Woman tells man 'that bloody dog' needs to go out, be sold or shot - she doesn't care which so long as it stops shagging her leg and eating her Jimmy Choos. Man takes dog. Dog and man kill much vermin together and live happily ever after. The end :D


Yep thats about the size of it.


Funny thing that they where always MY dogs when it was pissing down and they needed a walk, chewed up a pair of her shoes, pissed on the carpet etc...................... never hers then then.





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my new girlfriend has tried changing me like that! first she said i had to stop smokin so often, so i stopped.... she was happy for about a week then she went on my facebook and saw pictures of me with guns and rabbits ect and she kicked off! said it was either her or hunting and my ferrets, i said ill pick my ferrets and hunting, but shes still with me! you just have to knock that sort of shit in the head as soon as it starts, then it cant multiply ;)

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Guest Scuba1
my new girlfriend has tried changing me like that! first she said i had to stop smokin so often, so i stopped.... she was happy for about a week then she went on my facebook and saw pictures of me with guns and rabbits ect and she kicked off! said it was either her or hunting and my ferrets, i said ill pick my ferrets and hunting, but shes still with me! you just have to knock that sort of shit in the head as soon as it starts, then it cant multiply ;)


Yep and it stopped me from multiplying as well, when the ex walked out :D





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She will most likely get bored evetually. Never mind when i does run off with something it shouldn't or pisses in the middle of her favourite program or when she has to walk it in the rain..... so long as she doesnt put clothes on it. Poor thing.


Not the exact same but we gave 3 of our best Hobs from our first litter to a mate and now his mum has decided they are her 'babies' and they will be scared down a dark cold and damp hole. :realmad: Why even give it to them.


But seriously Id just leave her to it she will eventually just want the odd hug and when it is covered in god knows what she will be ALL yours. i.e.... 'CLEAN UP THIS BLOODY MESS! ITS YOUR DOG' kind of idea. Luckily I never treated mine like that .... too much ;)

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