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Another incident with a neighbor's dog in our garden

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I would say try to stay friendly with neighbors.If a person enters your garden and your dogs attack you are in deep shit and dogs probably PTS.If your dogs attack provoked or not you must prevent it by making sure nothing to the best of your ability can get to them.There was no one in control of your dogs and they have at attacked before I should talk to them and try to keep it friendly.Good luck.P1 :yes:

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I know that it is not your responsibility but even if your dogs killed the neighbour's dog in YOUR garden there could still be issues as your dogs would then be deemed 'dangerous'.


I had a similar, though not so severe problem with next door's dog coming in and killing my chickens. Its owner is totally ga-ga and useless so I've had to be the one to make sure the bloody thing can't get into my garden: fix your fencing so it can't get in and the problem is solved. Alternatively: set a cage trap where it gets in, trap the bugger and take it to the local dog's home: presumably the owners would have to pay to get it back which might make them reconsider their fencing arrangements!

Yes ive caught problem dogs and then handed them over to the dog warden, also took my neighbours cat with me for a drive up north when we was going to a game fair

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If you have a beware of the dog sign and someones tresspassing your dog wont be put to sleep as long as you can prove it.I got burgled years ago and the white gsd male i had nailed the guy by his crown jewels and wouldnt let him go we had to get the vet out and all sorts of chaos guy was a mess needless to say and my dog wasnt pts cos he was tresspassing and i wasnt charged either.Felt sorry for the guy even after he tried to empty my house

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Actually thinking about it then their dog is dangerous according to the dogs act cos its not under control and "roaming free"maybe explain this to them and let them know its a criminal offence.I would have a word and be nice to keep the peace explain that this little dog could be killed the next time and that it wouldnt be your fault as your dogs are contained and its your garden their in

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