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pure collies

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we sometimes take my mates parents collie out [bANNED TEXT] we take our dogs out, she is well good at finding pheasants, shoots straight off into the long grass to find them, n she chasses things but never catches anything, she cornered a baby rabit once but she just stood there and barked at it till it got away. took her mousing once as well, she saw all the other dogs havin fun n grabbed one, looked all shocked :o and dropped it un harmed :laugh::laugh:

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I use 3 different collies at night and daytime rabbits/ferreting. My one who's actually a springer cross (just bigger built stronger and goes for a kill no fannying about trying to round his quarry) the other two are pure bred bitches. One is utterly useless and you have to use the other for it to work otherwise it wont do anything. But the 2nd bitch is outstanding would make a good bitch to out a hound over. She looks right down the beam at night and catches quite easily but does try and round them a bit more then my cross and doesnt have the same stamina as him either. They're great dogs overall apart from the 2nd bitches extreme dog aggression with any dog other than her sis and my dog (muzzled in public as she almost killed a spaniel lol)



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Guest MickyB

One of my first dogs was a collie, he was a cracking 'gundog' so to speak, would hunt very well and was always picking up rabbits out of the reshes... never did any lamping with him, all daytime work... I wouldnt personally get another pure one, as a well bred collie lurcher will do it all and much much more.. never the less he was a good pet, that lived a working life and is much missed.

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Guest anonymous
  Simoman said:
I used to have a pure collie for ratching about, he caught a some on the lamp and a few during the day..............


Ratching about? Anyhow........... Any dog will catch a rabbit, I once had a cat that caught its fair share but if these dogs were really any good, I'm sure back in the good old days when they cut off outside toes of anything that looked racy, they'd have just used collies instead of the threat of long boat trip down under.............

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Not quite the same thing, but I use three kelpies for ferreting, bushing etc. They have a fantastic nose and are very determined; the smallest bitch can get virtually anywhere. Two drawbacks are that they don't quite have the speed for daytime rabbits in the open and as a result of this will sometimes open up. The flip side of the coin is that they're much better at catching in cover, and as I live in Hampshire and do most of my ferreting in overgrown woodland this suits me just fine.


I had a 3/4 collie 1/4 greyhound quite a few years ago and he was a great dog too. To use a simile, taking a walk out with him was like going out with your Grandad. :thumbs:

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