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pocket binos

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hiya guys n gals !


i travel with work and been thinking for wee while that a pair o pocket or compact binos would be nice just to see whats on the go....currently working in italy for next 3 weeks ish and the views / wildlife is fantastic.


but i have no as above mentioned binos.....


so im not looking for totally crap el cheapo but summit with reasonable quality / value etc probably in 8x25 or 10x25


summit low to mid range... i know would love a pair o swarovskis's or the like but cant justify that money..(i would buya pair for my stalking outrite)

these would be just for general stuff


any recommendations rough prices etc???





Edited by sauer
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I have a pair of Swarovski 8x20's Sauer,they are fantastic,but,I rarely use them to be honest,they get used if I remember to put them in my pocket if I can't be bothered taking my 10x42's.................Martin. ;)

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