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At Last, 1st Bunny

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Wooohooooo!, about time too!


After using my air rifles for plinking and paper punching in the garden, then using them to remove Mice that had set up a homestead inside my shed over winter (1 fell to my ASI Sniper in .177, 1 fell to my SMK Mod19 in.22 and two fell to traps) I decided to have a go at some serious hunting.


I've had 3 hunting trips now and out of them two have drawn blanks :icon_redface: .


Today after sitting in wait for about 20 mins I was able to bag my first Bunny :victory:





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Cheers Gents,


Yup, that will always stay with me :)


Wolly, that hole you see is the exit wound! Entry was on its right side just a bit higher and further back.

Took that pic as was lot less blood that side.


Had a stroke of luck about 10:30ish as well.

My daughter had left her games kit and packed lunch at home, so I had to walk the couple of miles to her school :(

On the way back I saw a horse owner in his paddock, lots of rabbits at one end too :)

Approached him, chatted a while mentioned the rabbits, he mentioned the Corvid that had recently wounded one of his Shetlands, :o hey presto, NEW PERMISSION :boogy:


Just gotta print the slip off and he'll sign it when I next see him

Good day indeed, very memorable!



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