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I went ferreting the other day with my own ferrets, glad i finally got my own. I had a great time. But everytime i go my ferrets catch rabbits down the holes, they have been resurfacing but i think its because the rabbits are getting away, Is there anyway of training them not to catch rabbits but chase them or will they continue to do it on instinct?

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I went ferreting the other day with my own ferrets, glad i finally got my own. I had a great time. But everytime i go my ferrets catch rabbits down the holes, they have been resurfacing but i think its because the rabbits are getting away, Is there anyway of training them not to catch rabbits but chase them or will they continue to do it on instinct?


It's on instinct fella, some ferrets do it more than others, Hobs are usually worse than Jills for it, but another reason can be too much noise outside the holes, As long as you have got a locator, no problem, dig the rabbit out, its good exercise.

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As halfinch said noise above ground can be a major reason why the rabbits wont bolt

try and keep the noise/talking to as little as poss this might improve the rabbits actually

bolting but rabbits do unfortunatly go into stop ends and bottle up

thats when you have to get the spade out and dig hot work this time of year PHEW

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Rido would anyone have an idea of how much a locator will cost in Australian dollars?



know some one who has one forsale that is in geelong victoria for 200 bux, bargin mate ;) seocnd hand but hey it works :p

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alright mate,like the others say,noise locator etc but i only breed of my small ferrets as they dont tend to be as good at keeping them down below although my smallest jill has a real nasty streak and iv had to dig to her a few times but it does keep me fit.its all part of the day out,atb


heres when i dug to her,last time out last season :doh:


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