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Does anyone eat carp?

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I know i should have put this in the living of the land and cooking section but i thought i might get better replies from here. Does anyone actually eat the carp or are they more a sport fish, because alot of people down here say they are no good eating because they have to many bones, but besides the bones are they actually any good eating?

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I had an Aupair from Czech Republic stay with us for a while. He told us of their traditions, one of which was eating Carp at Christmas ( Christmas Eve) They would keep it alive in their bath for a week before eating to clean it out and remove the mossy taste. It didn't sound very appealing to me but its more tradition and religion and not eating meat before Christmas .


From what I have been told.. it doesn't taste very nice... muddy.. and yes.. very bony !

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Yes, a lot of Londoners eat carp, being that most Londoners are now, Polish, Czech, Albanian, Kosovan, Ghanan, etc, etc


:whistling: :whistling:



Hi mate its the same up here.Been fishing a great littel pike Loch for years. Ten mins drive from my house.They are not monsters best one i have had 17.04oz.Now the polish are fishing it and takeing them home. :censored: .I say when in rome.atb. Catcher 1

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ive eaten carp, my ex is half polish. went to that half of the family one xmas eve and had it. lotsa bones, big sharp ones as well. The taste varies loads on what water they been kept in. They used to be kept by monks and they would have a fresh running water holding tanks to keep them in for a while before they ate them, to kinda flush the muddy water taste outa them.

Remember seeing on telly a while ago a bloke who was starting a carp farm. He would chuck cow shit in the water that algae (i think) would live off and the carp would eat this.

But the uk dont really have the fish stock compared to the population to keep up with many people eating them.

Tasted ok though, a little slimey i think. was a while ago now

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If people want to eat Carp, they should eat the ones from the waterways, not the purpose stocked lakes. Carp in may areas of the world are classed as an invasive species. It's only a matter of time until the ones released into the waterways get a foothold, then start out competing our native fish. :yes:

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Yup THe Polish Are Always Taking Bream ,Carp From Our Pond BarStools

We have the exact same problem with immigrants here, me and my friend were down on the lake fishing and there were several maltese people we looked in each of the buckets as we passed by and every fish they had was undersized and they were exceeding the bag limit.

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