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why do most topics end up in a argument

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why do most topics end up in an argument! or people insulting and name calling to other people! its just because people do things different to other people. its so annoying you cant ever have a conversation with some one with out some one else critisisng you or calling you a name.i have seen it on so many topics! what does every one else reckon??

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Purely because the arshole thats doing the name calling or argueing hasn't got the intelligence to hold a propper confersation. :D


"yes they have you c**k" sorry i thought someone had to do it. it is rather pathetic tbh have a quick read of the shooting sticks topic on the deer stalknig section its a full on bitch fight with handbags at the ready

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I think it's because they are sitting behind a computer and have no chance of being challenged. For example, I can soot this at xxx yards, if they were in the field you would ask them to show you !. But they know there is no chance of that.

And of course some folk will start an argument just for the sake if it.



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its suprising how hard people are sat behind a keyboard....... i have my own opinions but i also respect other peoples.


we all love a bit of banter, but some people, unfortunately, cant handle it !!!





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