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war john

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this pic was taken off wor john about 5 week ago , hes 11 years old now ;)


alan his owner told me and my mate that he had never worked wor john only raced him but wor johns sire did work and did sharp tooth single handed.

also me and my mate know a man from down south that have wor john in his lurchers and he wouldnt go to any other whippet !

wor john seams to throw very good pups with very large hearts and lots off speed ;)

here s another oldboy in the whippet world vivs quest if i was looking for a top whippet stud i would pick either of these two sam vivs quest also took foxes pre ban


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anyone got any photos of him
here you go worjohn

I don't know anything about the dogs abilities ,but he appears to have dropped pasterns, looking at the photo.



Inan, bit of a low blow mate... the dog is now a veteran, he has nothing to proove in his racing career, and was last years "Stud dog of the Year", in the "Non Ped" world; his prodgeny are doing extremely well. I'm sure his pasterns were fine when he was running !


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we race at the same club , top bloke. do you race dogs pal
bin to blidworth a bit mate ran my salukixwhip up there she did ok could nt live with the race dogs got her for other things tho ,bin up to don s a few times too top fella,a mate has a bitch out of sam he is hoping to mate it to worjohn ime down for a pup both top dogs
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this pic was taken off wor john about 5 week ago , hes 11 years old now ;)


alan his owner told me and my mate that he had never worked wor john only raced him but wor johns sire did work and did sharp tooth single handed.

also me and my mate know a man from down south that have wor john in his lurchers and he wouldnt go to any other whippet !

wor john seams to throw very good pups with very large hearts and lots off speed ;)

here s another oldboy in the whippet world vivs quest if i was looking for a top whippet stud i would pick either of these two sam vivs quest also took foxes pre ban

I have heard good reports about the offspring of these dogs maybe biglandboy isent far behind them.atb
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anyone got any photos of him
here you go worjohn

I don't know anything about the dogs abilities ,but he appears to have dropped pasterns, looking at the photo.



Inan, bit of a low blow mate... the dog is now a veteran, he has nothing to proove in his racing career, and was last years "Stud dog of the Year", in the "Non Ped" world; his prodgeny are doing extremely well. I'm sure his pasterns were fine when he was running !


I dont think telling the truth as you see it is a "low blow".

I made it clear I knew nothing about the dogs capabilities,and Ive seen a few dogs with dropped pasterns that were very good workers.

Looking at the last picture provided , it appears .I say appears, because it's hard to tell from a photo, that the dog has sustained an injury to the lower right leg , this may account for that pastern" appearing" to kick forward.Quite a few posters have said the dog is a" good un",and your post confirms its ability at stud.

No offence was intended to the owner of the dog,whom others have said is a very genuine person.

My oldest dog Inan, has flat rear feet , if someone pointed it out ,I would not be upset.I may say that it didnt stop him doing the business during his working career ,but the tuth is the truth ,possibly in an another pic the dog looks totally different.

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this pic was taken off wor john about 5 week ago , hes 11 years old now ;)


alan his owner told me and my mate that he had never worked wor john only raced him but wor johns sire did work and did sharp tooth single handed.

also me and my mate know a man from down south that have wor john in his lurchers and he wouldnt go to any other whippet !

wor john seams to throw very good pups with very large hearts and lots off speed ;)

here s another oldboy in the whippet world vivs quest if i was looking for a top whippet stud i would pick either of these two sam vivs quest also took foxes pre ban


I used wor john on my bitch in January unfortunately she missed. I like the look of vivs quest to, how tall is he and how old???????

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alot off racing whippets go to wor john and vivs quest e,t,c which without a doubt do throw good stuff


but lets not forget the bigger non peds,,,,which are in dog feature in k9 community in non ped section,,,,which wont get the non ped bitches due to there bigger size,,,due to non ped racing down to a weight handycapp,,,but there just as well breed and alot of cases same,,,,,but there stronger and in most cases faster at short and longer distances



if it bigger dogs ur looking for ,,,,,there,s micky whizz == jack the lad== biglandboy==red ranger==chunkie==stag possessed==denis the menece==north to south==sugar daddy==magical dreams==avit==hellbound== denside belle



all above dogs are 30lb 22inch -to- roughly 55lb 25/26+inch,,,,,all have the lightning accelerating abbilitey and would run bends all day without breaking breath,,,if breed to a lurcher pups,,cause of there bigger size ,,there,s less likely hood off pups being too small,,for what breeder intends them from

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i will try,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,iam not saying before iam slated worjohn and vivs quest are no good,,,,,cos there very good stud dogs,,,,,,but in lurcher,s looking for more acceleration and dont want to lose speed or size ,,,,these dogs that ive mentioned would fitt the bill ,,just aswell


i will see if i can put i link up,,,,,off other dogs and there achivments

Edited by whip x grey
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the link,,,some small and bigger whippets achivments,from all round the contry,,,,,hope this works ,,as iam sh~t on computers lol







Edited by whip x grey
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