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im wasnt refering to their sticky heads, i was refering to the point that by those pictures they look full of worms.... bloated bellies(not due to food), poor muscle condtion, poor coat condition, general weak apperance, its all there and obvious for anyone to see. i for one wouldnt of put those pics up. please prove me wrong and put some pics up of the pups in better condition.

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Guest jacksboy
im wasnt refering to their sticky heads, i was refering to the point that by those pictures they look full of worms.... bloated bellies(not due to food), poor muscle condtion, poor coat condition, general weak apperance, its all there and obvious for anyone to see. i for one wouldnt of put those pics up. please prove me wrong and put some pics up of the pups in better condition.



there is nuthing rong with the pups i see them lot of time will make dog on the fox and rabbits the mam is a good bitch my uncle had her at 8 week old and she is a good bitch on the rabbit and by the way they have not got worms they are nice pups

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ok 2 posts jack, i was never doubting the qualty of the parents... that is not my concern as i dont wnat a pup.


my concern is that to anyone who has breed a litter of pups or even kept dogs in general, by those pictures, those pups are in a bad state and showing classic signs of having a major worm infestaion. take a look at ther pics of them and then have alook around at some other pics of pups, if you say you cant tell the diffrence then you dont deserve to keep dogs either.

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