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what to feed ferrets.

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day old chicks are good for young ferrets for the first few weeks coz they are soft and easy for them to eat. nothing goes to waste and attracts flys like a rabbit can. then when they get bigger rabbits and pigdeons are great food for them. I normally feed the rabbit heads to the ferrets and the rest to the dog but it depends how many i catch. also dry ferret food is handy in the summer coz i dont catch much at this time off year. as a treat a raw egg in a bowl goes down well too. Hope that helps. ;)

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day old chicks are good for young ferrets for the first few weeks coz they are soft and easy for them to eat. nothing goes to waste and attracts flys like a rabbit can. then when they get bigger rabbits and pigdeons are great food for them. I normally feed the rabbit heads to the ferrets and the rest to the dog but it depends how many i catch. also dry ferret food is handy in the summer coz i dont catch much at this time off year. as a treat a raw egg in a bowl goes down well too. Hope that helps. ;)



thanks. another thing, i have asked this on here a few times but is chicken wire ok for the front as a tempary measure. another thing i was thinking was i have some perspex that i can use for half the front of one section and chicken wire the rest so would that be ok?

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As I already said on another thread: go to B&Q or somewhere like that and get some weldmesh: the rigid mesh that has tiny squares: no more than 2cm big. Perspex bad news: won't let in air: ferrets die of heat stroke very easily. And make sure the hutch/court is in the shade all day: if not hang a white sheet a few inches away from the front of the cage: white reflects heat and cuts out the sun.

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As I already said on another thread: go to B&Q or somewhere like that and get some weldmesh: the rigid mesh that has tiny squares: no more than 2cm big. Perspex bad news: won't let in air: ferrets die of heat stroke very easily. And make sure the hutch/court is in the shade all day: if not hang a white sheet a few inches away from the front of the cage: white reflects heat and cuts out the sun.


ok. it would only be perspex on less than half of one section, i think i can get in in shade all day but im not sure, also waterproofing it, should i have a sheet of plastic just infront of it to stop rain getting through the mesh?

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As I already said on another thread: go to B&Q or somewhere like that and get some weldmesh: the rigid mesh that has tiny squares: no more than 2cm big. Perspex bad news: won't let in air: ferrets die of heat stroke very easily. And make sure the hutch/court is in the shade all day: if not hang a white sheet a few inches away from the front of the cage: white reflects heat and cuts out the sun.


ok. it would only be perspex on less than half of one section, i think i can get in in shade all day but im not sure, also waterproofing it, should i have a sheet of plastic just infront of it to stop rain getting through the mesh?



rain woant go in the hutch mate,i would really stay away from the perspex,a rabbit hutch is fine,i feed mine on a bit of eveyything,my 4 week old kits can get rig of a full pegeon that has had wings,head and all feathers off it and crop emptied in about 3 hours,lol,but i feed the fully grown ones on mostly dry food and then once or twice a week pigeon or rabbit,dont like meat when its hot because i dont like all the flies,as i said before and others did,chicken wire is no good,i would really consider thking that advice because you will end up losing your ferrets if you dont.atb

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Guest shadowz

Wilkinson sell really really strong cage mesh with small 1/2" squares.

I bought some today and its so strong and thick we struggled to unroll it.

A roll is 1.5metre x 60cm ( so would easily do a cage/run front ) and a roll cost £3.99

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The wire off potocabin windows is ideal for ferret hutches weld mesh a inch square

And all I'm feeding all year is rabbits pigeon and chicken carcasses never touch the dry stuff

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Dont even think about the perspex unless you want to boil there brains ferrets have no way of regulating there body temp so they cook from the inside if they get to hot, even a hutch in the shade , so regardless of where you put the hutch they can still get heat stroke

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rabbits, pigeons,ferals, crows basically any legal quarry which fills the scope


a veritable ferrety feast i think that a good mix is the key, mine are fed on a basic diet of dry (alpha ferret feast) supplemented by rabbits and pigeons etc

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