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farmer/keeper shooting dogs

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thanks for replying,but alot of you are talking about dogs being shot for interfering with livestock, that wasnt really my point,although still intresting,a keeper i know through other avenues tells me he gets lads on his land after bigger stuff than rabbits,and he shoots the dogs to this day,and i just wondered if it was true or was he lifting my leg abit, thanks jamie,

if he shot my dog he better shoot me too cause by the time a finished with him he wouldnt be able too wipe his arse let alone hold a gun again

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Guest Naughty

i know a feller who got caught after a bad days courseing,the keeper said he would shoot his dog,to which the feller replied,shoot the c**t,it aint worth a wank anyway,both dog and man walked off the feild unharmed,

Edited by Naughty
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Guest Mass_G3nocide

I can understand people having there dogs shot for worrying sheep although i understand this i do not agree with it,It is the dog owner's responsibility to train the dog and stock break them to all types of livestock whether around the area or not.As no one truly knows where the dog will be run for the entire course of it's life.As said if anyone ever shot at me or my dog,Without warning i would'nt hesitate to make their life very uncomfortable.

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ITS OUT OF ORDER !! if a keeper shot one of my dogs theres a few things id considder... A , punch him in the face ..... breaking his jaw , whilst causing a severe bout of whiplash ,....... B , go to his cottage , and burn it to the point of melting, or C , spend the rest of my life , wedging dead poached animals through his letterbox , or just whack him anyway , then ruin his life forever love MR POACH XXXX

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Spot on, all my dogs have been stock broken. If my dog did stray on to other land to catch a rabbit, with sheep or with out sheep.And if some body could see my dog was no prob to sheep, and still shot him :o . I would end up in Jail=prison, and the other bloke would end up in Hospital :yes: Fact . Every dog i have owned=kept lurchers other breeds, lurchers 25years, other breeds 15 years. I HAVE taken to stock [sheep.cattle,....] since they were 10 week old pups - to 15 months old, and i still take them every other day now what ever the [Age]. So as you can See, i make a [big] effort to train them. So if some C**t shoots my dogs , i will put that C**t in A.E not a threat FACT. :yes:



Like thee old song "you took the words right out of my mouth" Straight to hossy!!!!

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hi lads,has eany of you ever had your dogs shot at or worse been killed by land owner/keeper?

i have only shot one dog it was living wild on the land it killed all of the poultry a retired farm worker had and it was seen when it savaged two sheep even so i didn't like doing it. can i just ask if you had a dog shot who's fault would it be. the dogs/ yours/ or the shooter ?.

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hi lads,has eany of you ever had your dogs shot at or worse been killed by land owner/keeper?

i have only shot one dog it was living wild on the land it killed all of the poultry a retired farm worker had and it was seen when it savaged two sheep even so i didn't like doing it. can i just ask if you had a dog shot who's fault would it be. the dogs/ yours/ or the shooter ?.

Depending on the situation it could be any of the last two yours or the shooter.atvb
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hi lads,has eany of you ever had your dogs shot at or worse been killed by land owner/keeper?

i have only shot one dog it was living wild on the land it killed all of the poultry a retired farm worker had and it was seen when it savaged two sheep even so i didn't like doing it. can i just ask if you had a dog shot who's fault would it be. the dogs/ yours/ or the shooter ?.

Depending on the situation it could be any of the last two yours or the shooter.atvb




never mind the dogs man..tell em.they might learn something..if its only to listen to the words of the wise...it,ll be enough.


tell em. poacher3161....your too modest mate.






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I mind my mates dad telling me about how his brother got a call from a local that there was a staffy 'rounding' up his sheep. So the two of them jumped in the land rover and headed out to see two dead sheep and a staff hanging off another! My mates da got out of the car (with gun) to try and get hold of the dog or if needed shoot it but it charged him so he jumped back in the car and they run it over! Took 3 times to kill it then they took it to the Police station. said "right this killed 2 of my sheep what you gonna do about it!" They phoned the number on its tag and this spacey distraught woman ran in in tears looking at the dog on the desk. She then said " so thats why he kept wandering off then coming back covered in wool and blood" !!! :wallbash: Now thats irresponsible ownership she should have been run over. The sad thing is that she lives 10 miles from the land. She was fined damages as far as I know.



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hi lads,has eany of you ever had your dogs shot at or worse been killed by land owner/keeper?

i have only shot one dog it was living wild on the land it killed all of the poultry a retired farm worker had and it was seen when it savaged two sheep even so i didn't like doing it. can i just ask if you had a dog shot who's fault would it be. the dogs/ yours/ or the shooter ?.

Depending on the situation it could be any of the last two yours or the shooter.atvb




never mind the dogs man..tell em.they might learn something..if its only to listen to the words of the wise...it,ll be enough.


tell em. poacher3161....your too modest mate.






like i have said before their is only one reason a dog should be shot and thats for worrying livestock a think a lot of keepers do it out of anger and would prefer to shoot the tresspaser if they could get away with it lol.Even the threat of shooting one's dog can seriously damage your health.atvb
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