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Gonna murder my bitch any ideas please?

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When i 1rst got her she used to think any park we go to is hers and she sprints over hackles on end barking her head off.I did stop it for a while but today she flippin started it again i had the spray collar on and got her a few times with that and eventually she walked back over to me.Gave her into bother two seconds later the cow does it again :angry: Guy gets the fright of his life and i go over and explain shes a mouthy cow lol.He accepts my apology and doesnt seem to bothered but its getting on my feckin nerves the spray collar isnt working as good as it did and shes too nervy for a shock collar.Shes very defensive of me and HER pack cos i walk her with my other dog and 2 other dogs and a few friends she seeems to believe she has to defend us all.If a fight breaks out shes the first to go stick her nose in.Need to stop this or im gonna get in bother

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it seems to me me she has a lot of nervous energy, try giving her some serene-um tablets half and hour prior to going out, use this with the spray collar as the tablets have a calming effect so controlling her nervous state and she will respond more to you

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Try leaving her on the lead and walking upto people and introduce her to everyone until she realises that not everyone is a threat.You need something to distract her attention when she gets excited(you may think is dog whisperer crap but it works)mine is a click of the fingers(worked with all my dogs)just a case of seeing what works for you...

I personally wouldn't let her off the lead if there's people about(i know it's hard not too) I also find with keeping them on the lead they start to watch and eventually follow what the other dogs are doing like behaving etc..give it a few days on the lead see how it goes(it's like being grounded as a kid),re assure she's ok plenty of pats...got a mate who swore by them halti collar things

Just some suggestions mate...cost you nowt,worth a try

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i would strongly recommend a halti for this, at least any people she has a go at can see your working at curing this behavoural problem, as mentioned above a method of distraction is priceless, be it clicking fingers, food runnin in opposite direction etc etc

also when you walk her keep her busy, jogging, playing with ball etc try to prevent her getting bored during her walk

best of luck mate, also have a look at what your feeding her on as a lot of dried food can create beavoural problems due to lack of nutriants


lurcher lass x x x

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When i 1rst got her she used to think any park we go to is hers and she sprints over hackles on end barking her head off.I did stop it for a while but today she flippin started it again i had the spray collar on and got her a few times with that and eventually she walked back over to me.Gave her into bother two seconds later the cow does it again :angry: Guy gets the fright of his life and i go over and explain shes a mouthy cow lol.He accepts my apology and doesnt seem to bothered but its getting on my feckin nerves the spray collar isnt working as good as it did and shes too nervy for a shock collar.Shes very defensive of me and HER pack cos i walk her with my other dog and 2 other dogs and a few friends she seeems to believe she has to defend us all.If a fight breaks out shes the first to go stick her nose in.Need to stop this or im gonna get in bother



Is the park the only place you walk her? If so maybe you should walk her in a different place for a while.

Or maybe you should walk her in the park for a few weeks on her lead and not let her of?

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this is a classic sign of the dog believing it is the alpha of the pack ... you need to take steps to let her know she is further down the pack than you are then she wont feel the need to protect her pack as she will see that as your job as alpha male ...........

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if u cant control your dog off lead u shouldnt let it off the lead in parks where other people are with there dogs if an offlead out of control dog came rushing over to have a go at my under control or onlead dogs i wouldnt hesitate booting it in the ribs and the owner too if they wanted some


100% agree with that... the Park in my opinion is no place for a working dog not fair on the dog or any other pet owners that use the park..years back i used to live in the centre of town and would take a 20 minute drive every night to exersise the dogs out on farm land where i knew we would meet no one...if the park is the only place you can exersise your dogs get out at 5.30am and take em up there then...thats what time im out with my dogs before work in the morning

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i have tried the halti with no sucess i swear by them too worked for my late gsd.We go to the park well a jumped up field half the week usually and we do go different places.I had stopped this as i used to go and get her put her on lead for 15 minutes then let her go again i dont know why she has started again cos she knows her place shes very submissive with me and loves people which is why i cant understand why this is occuring.I fi kept her on the lead she would get worse been there when she wasnt too well and as time went on she became worse.She chases the ball all day long on occassions she runs with the ball in mouth doing her its my park bit.Was going to muzzle her till she was attacked cos she doesnt bother with dogs really unless they try it on with her.Shes out with other dogs so shouldnt be worrying about anything else.

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if u cant control your dog off lead u shouldnt let it off the lead in parks where other people are with there dogs if an offlead out of control dog came rushing over to have a go at my under control or onlead dogs i wouldnt hesitate booting it in the ribs and the owner too if they wanted some


100% agree with that... the Park in my opinion is no place for a working dog not fair on the dog or any other pet owners that use the park..years back i used to live in the centre of town and would take a 20 minute drive every night to exersise the dogs out on farm land where i knew we would meet no one...if the park is the only place you can exersise your dogs get out at 5.30am and take em up there then...thats what time im out with my dogs before work in the morning



Iwould agree with the above replies. There is no justification for an out of control dog causing havoc in a public park. If someone is hurt as a result of your dogs behaviour think 'Dangerous Dog Act', it could be the end of your dog. Keep it on a lead, less opportunity of getting into trouble the.

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Take her on her own and start from scratch with her,on lead at all times then when she ready to progress after showing no signs of agression for a week or two then onto a longer lead so you can keep contact with her at a longer distance,then onto short length of times running free but brought back to heal regularly,any signs of agression you go back to the begining and start again.Her being with the other dogs will give her confidence to start on someone or something as she has back up but on her own you say she is nervy so use it to your benifit as she will seak guidence in what to do in a conflict or a meeting of strangers say and a calm controled manner is needed from you(dog whisperer stuff again but it so makes a difference).If you ever see a good dogman train a dog no stress is ever seen from the trainer as it soon passes to the dog and kaos soon follows.As you say trouble is on the cards with her being like she is and although a bit of work is needed it's far from a lost cause and your'll be a better dogman for it as well,all the best mate.

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I know shes not a lost cause cos we sorted this before but the usual stuff isnt working anymore.Shes fine in one park in particular but seems to be strange places or places she hasnt seen for a while so looks like for now im stuck in the same old routine.She doesnt do anything apart from mouth off but its pissing me off too.I dont panic and i try my damdest not to shout i usually go over and get her give her a row and put her on lead again.I have a muzzle and if needs must then she will be wearing it if i can get her to keep it on this time round.Last week she mouthed off at a good dogman we know in the park and he just told her to shut up and patted her on the head and she came straight back her recall is excellent and shes the frienliest wee bitch you could hope to meet just a mouthy cow with it.Now considering an e collar to give her a fright and hopefully put her off i dont like them but dont want to have to constantly have her on lead it makes agressive.

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