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any ideas on homemade carp fishing bait.

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Depends on the water and whether the fish are shy or not.

If they are heavily fished for on Natural baits, used man-mades.

If the are on man-mades, try naturals.

If they are used to a single hook bait, use try a mass particle baiting program, I used to favour chick peas or maize (properly prepared), I would then fish a single contrasting hook bait. Such as a Scopex pop up.

It also depends on what other fish are in the water. If there is predominately carp in the water, try 3-4 pints of maggots and a maggot medusa type bait........(if eels are present, forget it.)

In warmer temperatures, hemp can be a major attractant! Again fished with a contrasting hook bait, such as a couple of grains of sweetcorn. (can be flavoured with Scopex).

Maybe I have stimulated your imagination :victory:

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Do you get bored sat there all day?what do you think about?I suppose you relax etc,I can see the point of it all as a sport.I often see the men fishing on the small lake that we have here whilst out riding.We let them fish here as they keep the lake clear of weed.But I wonder what they are thinking they even come in the rain and sit there for hours on end.They return the fish,(my husband insists). Funny sport as you can eat the trout.

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Pour boiling water over some trout pellets

then add bread crumb .then keep squeezing the water out of the mix until you are left with a nice paste

i have found this to be instant on most waters i have fished

and you can change the size to suit your fishing

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now the weather has started to warm up the carps diet will be changing, throughout the winter they're metabolism slows down and they eat less often and their diet will consist of a foods high in amino acids and protiens. during the spring/summer months they're diet will be made up more from carbs as the feeding regularity increases. a sweet tasting bait is the order of the day. dont laugh but but a drilled boily coated in honey or jam then frozen has worked wonders for me over the years.

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get your garden fork out mate, and dig some lob worms. i know its not a homemade bait but its free and works every time for me mate. use a method feeder with some marine halibut groundbait round the feeder. give it a try mate. ;)

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