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a plesure to watch

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here goes i walk into the shed open the cage with the food and as usuall and the jills are waiting for it, they start eating the food as normal and out of nowhere all 6 kits come stumberling out trying to get to the food the poor things cant even open their eyes yet lol. next thing the jill takes the food and places it in the nest box and drags all 6 of the kits 1 by 1 into the bed and layes on top of them. :clapper: anyone else experiences anything like this if not i must say it quite good to wach. tom!!

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same here mate

i am wasting so much time just watching of handling the kits, i will really miss them but i'm getting in new blood instead so i'll still have youngsters around, plus the ones i'm getting in are only a day younger so hardly any age difference

my kits are lovely i gave them a frozern day old chick as the werather was hot and they munched it, they have started increasing the amount of solids now and have reduced the amount of suckling time off my jill

i am handling them very ofen now, to the point that my daughter finds it strange if i'm not holding or near at least one kit

they're is one that ventured into he run today before the jill whisked her back into the hutch!


nice to know someone is as obsessed as i am


talk soon lurcher lass x x

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