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its a pup and still growing why would you want to have it muscled to death at that age it will fill out naturally and put on muscle when its at the right age plenty of good grub and excercise and not over doing it let the young dog grow a bit.

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how do you get a 7month old lurcher pup muscley.

i have been told a lot of differnt ways so could [NO TEXT TALK] tell me what the most effective way is



high protein feed..... and after that walk and walk and walk and walk ha


i hear swimming can be good but never tried it as part of training

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Muscles shouldn't be worked hard until the bones have finished growing: depending on the breeding and size of the pup from 1 year to 18 months old. That's not to say you shouldn't get it out in the field, but take it easy and use that first year as a learning curve for the pup. The muscles will develop fully once the skeleton is grown: I don't bike pups of under 12 months: just let them run about in the field chasing a few rabbits and eachother. A good hour's exercise a day, about half free running and half on the lead at a brisk walk.

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