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Missing in action

Guest busterdog

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Guest busterdog

Lost a rough coated chocolate bitch in the Stone area of Staffordshire two days ago, i now i shouldn't have put it up here but the more people who see her the more chance i have of getting her back.

If you get offered this bitch buy it and i will refund you and reward you.

This bitch is no good to work she's suicidally hard and will cost you a fortune in vet bills or prosecutions.

If any arse holes get her and think they will keep to breed then you will have consequences if found out.

Mods please leave on if only for a day. :thumbs:P5020467.jpg

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Guest busterdog

Tryed all the drains and little places, no luck.

To be honest it's like a bloody desert behind me, theres more life on the moon !!! so not really much chance of finding her that way, it doesn't help that shes utterly mute.

I've tryed walking another bitch over whats there for a mark but nothing doing.

To be honest it's not the first time, she usually drifts back in after she's had her blow out, but not today.

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Guest busterdog

Bitch now found, she was on a drip in a local vets, in bits.

Theres a lesson in there for us all "chip em" . This bitch and my others are all registered at this vets, i never thought for one second that some one would take her there. LIVE AND LEARN No more walks for this one.

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Guest busterdog

What happened to her was the wanker that lives over the road from where i was walking her is a raving anti, i know this because my mate plastered there house for them and even though theres the odd rabbit kicking about the field they rent they wont let him ferret them, any how they see me walk my dogs on the field across the road every day and haven't got the decency to tell me that it was them that took my bitch to the vets. She went missing at around nine to half past and they saw her come out of an earth behind there house at five thirty, fair doos they took her straight to the vets but they never told me where or when.

If it wasn't for a bloke at foxt kennels i happened to ring then the message about the missing bitch would have never been past on, the shame of it all is that all my dogs are registered at the same vets, if she was chipped then there would have been no problem.

The bitch is OK she was on a drip for a full day and is on anti biotics now, she will be on the lead from now on.

Thanks to the lads that said to ring local kennels, didn't think to ring any one apart from the dog pound who weren't help full at all, i have been told before about stoke dog pound that they deny having working dogs in kennels, the only way to know for sure is to check you're self.

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